Very essential to include in daily routine.
Towards something lighter...less demanding...or for some it can be opposite...whichever suites individually.
I recollected the first 3-6 months of trading and how disturing it used to be post the market time. Thats when I came across
Inner Engineering teachings of the great mystic @SadhguruJV @ishafoundation
This helpled immensely through the rough, crazy and nasty first few months.
Connecting the dots further now, no wonder I have so benefitted and find @TradingComposur ways and methods essential
In terms of introducing, developing and realligning traders on "the core aspects of trading".
When it comes to developing and improving the mental framework,
Who has trained this trainer 🤔 I wonder🙏. The one I find to be one of the best in trading psychology. Clearly the
most critical aspect of trading.
Which I think most traders with few years experience would agree with.
You can follow @RajBandivadekar.
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