Here is your impeachment livetweet thread. As always, mute at will
I think I’ll honestly have a lot less to say today, simply because I agree with all of this and I imagine it’ll be extremely well-presented.
But I’ll try to follow along and describe the important points as they happen.
The argument yesterday that this was a first amendment thing was ludicrous at the time and Raskin is going a good job pointing that out. Worth noting that Raskin is literally a Constitutional expert whereas the same can’t be said of ANY of Trump’s guys.
They’re fucking mob defense and personal injury lawyers.
A crucial point here is that TRUMP TOOK AN OATH. Nothing he does under that oath is the same as speech by a private citizen.

The Republican Senators are voting that the Senate has little power, the defense is arguing the same, and—
They’re also arguing that Trump’s words have no material weight. That he’s weak as a president.

This is all very weird.
Story of Capitol officer weeping in the Rotunda for fifteen minutes because of how many times he was called the N Word during the riot.

We need to talk more about the emotional trauma officers suffered that day.
Me supporting police abolition doesn’t mean I don’t give a shit about their trauma. Quite the opposite.
Oh, I should also note that attentional problems means that I may get details wrong from time to time. Sorry in advance.
I appreciate Raskin noting that people should exercise caution when viewing the footage and they’ll issue warnings, especially where kids are concerned.
Reminder that that’s not so weak people can protect their precious little feelings. It’s so people can use their agency to make informed decisions about what they want to see and how much they want to see of it. I shouldn’t need to explain this, but.
Also so they can brace themselves for what they’re about to witness, which is beneficial.
It’s really, really important to use evidence that extends far prior to the 6th itself. The incitement to violence didn’t start that day. The explosives were laid over weeks. Longer. The 6th was merely when the fuse was lit.
I hope they focus especially on the coded mob language Cohen has already said he uses instinctively. He repeatedly inserted the notion that violence was an appropriate reaction to things, in ways that nonetheless allowed him a thin veneer of plausible deniability.
Clips of Trump more than once emphasizing that the only way he could ever lose is if fraud took place. The argument is that the violence he’d already injected into the discourse was an inevitable conclusion that people would draw.
Courts were “a legitimate avenue”. The problem came when he ignored the rulings and turned to increasingly dangerous and even illegal methods.
“None of it worked. So what did he do, with his back against the wall, when everything else had failed?”
“Fight like hell” is going to be a central phrase. Again, this is mob language, and I hope they make that point explicitly and repeatedly. Other politicians and activists use similar rhetoric, but they haven’t planted the seed of violence and extreme stakes in people’s minds.
“He didn’t just tell them to fight like hell. He told them where, how, and when.”
I didn’t make a liquor store run yet but I’m subsisting this afternoon on pizza and chips
There were countless reports prior to the 6th that dangerous, armed people would be there and violence was *highly* likely. The implication here is that Trump should have received and heeded those warnings and acted accordingly. Instead he stoked the flames.
Another point they’re making here is that Trump drove into his supporters’ minds that the existence of the very country was at stake. Again, violence was basically the only rational response for anyone who genuinely believed him. “It was foreseeable.”
Footage of John Kelly saying that, that it was no surprise given what Trump had been saying. Trump had no excuse for not knowing what would happen.
This is all important especially since I expect that the defense will try to use a “well how could he have known” argument.
Even if Trump didn’t know it was coming, once it was clear what was happening he had no excuse for not knowing that he had a unique power to direct the mob to stop. Yet he didn’t intervene.
So either he was deeply naive and foolish, the point goes, or he didn’t actually want to make it stop.
Neguse is really, really excellent at this.
The point that he could have intervened immediately to stop the violence just really demolishes any possible defense. Like there’s no answer for it other than “this man was drunk or in a coma or otherwise cognitively incapacitated at the time”.
Criminal complaints state plainly that groups admitted that they would have killed Pence and Pelosi if they’d found them.
Excepts from legal complaints show that over and over they say that they were following Trump’s orders.
It is *bizarre* that virtually everyone in that room was a witness to multiple crimes and atrocities, might have been a victim, and the room they’re standing in is a crime scene, and yet Republicans will almost certainly vote to acquit.
Like I have never seen or heard of anything remotely like it.
The brokenness of these people is incredible.
Do not ever talk shit about Texas, the Castro Bros come from there
Castro will go way back in time to describe what Trump did and said even before the election. Good.
107 days prior to the election, Trump refuses to commit to a concession or a peaceful transfer of power. Also says there will be a “continuation” of power, not a transfer. Even then, the implication was that violence would be appropriate.
Six months before the election, Trump tweets that it will be the greatest rigged election in history. How could he have known that? Why would he have been saying that? He wanted to prep his supporters because he was afraid he would lose.
The slide with the clips is entitled “The Provocation: Pre-Election”. Really glad to see that they’re focusing so much on this.
“His supporters got the point.”

In September, Trump supporters filmed saying that they would never accept a Biden win.
Again, how was violence not the only true rational reaction?

“I’m a Texas Democrat. We’ve lost a few elections over the years.” General laughter.
Moving from pre-election to the events of the election itself, when the count took some time but it became clear fairly quickly that Biden would win. So Trump demands for the count to stop. His supporters are listening.
Of course the count wouldn’t stop. Trump must have known that. This was about further inflaming the base.
Trump didn’t even have to concede the night of the election! But he stated explicitly that he won and never rescinded the statement. Again, he must have known what that would do.
Over the days that followed he maintained that rhetoric. Nothing about it was calm or measured. It could have done nothing but rile people up.
“His words became their actions. His commands led to their actions.”
Images of armed supporters trying to stop the count. Even at that point the spectre of violence was there and it was clear. It was obvious that something dangerous was building.
Plot to attack the convention center in Philadelphia. Other plots elsewhere. Violence was EVERYWHERE long before the 6th. Again, Trump had no excuse for not knowing what he was doing. At any point he could have intervened and calmed things down. He did the opposite.
Footage of constant protests around the country, armed Trump supporters using explicitly violent and terrifying rhetoric that echoed what Trump was saying. Over and over Trump reinforced this as it was happening. It could not have been clearer what was going on.
Again, this is such a devastating and devastatingly articulated point, and it doesn’t even touch the 6th yet. HE COULD HAVE STOPPED IT. Every day over the course of months, he could have stopped it. He never did. Not once. He only made it worse.
I know none of this is new to us but my God, it’s being presented in such a deeply chilling and frightening way. Also enraging.

Fuck the GOP, incidentally. Just fuck them all the way to Hell.
Swalwell takes the stand. I like him just fine but I miss Castro. ☹️
Arguments continue to focus on the days immediately following the election, and Trump’s state of mind as he faced down the impending formal decision of his loss.

This wasn’t some guy blowing off steam in a bar. It was the commander in chief.
On Nov 16th he tweets “I concede nothing”. On the 17th he tweets simply “dead people voted!”

On the 28th, he tweets that illegal votes had been found. “Stay tuned!”

No evidence of this was ever produced. Because it wasn’t about evidence. It was about the base.
Increasingly he describes this in combat terms. Either you’re with him or you’re against him. He also demonizes Republican governors and election officials.
These points are technically somewhat repetitive but they are not being presented in a manner that comes off that way. And it’s worth going through all of this *carefully*, over and over with as much evidence as possible.
They are overwhelmingly let Trump hang himself with his own words.
I mean, that’s all they need. All they’re doing is providing context for the evidence they’re showing.
Will we even see a rebuttal from the defense once the managers close? I honestly wonder. I don’t know what they could say that wouldn’t look even worse than yesterday.
Video of supporters hounding and terrorizing officials at their homes, frightening their children.
Another thing we know is that Trump supporters tend to be awful, but it’s like how we already knew the 6th was awful and yet yesterday all spliced together it was overwhelming: Trump supporters are so, so awful and I’m honestly sort of floored by it.
Trump makes more threats to elected officials, including “RINOS”. “It was his supporters against *anyone* who wouldn’t overturn the election results”.

An unspoken implication here: this wasn’t about party. Almost any Republican in that room might have been murdered.
They were literally chanting “hang Mike Pence”. This wasn’t about a Republican loss. This was about a Trump loss. He was the only one they were loyal to, he was the only one they would listen to, he was the only one who could have stopped them, and he didn’t.
The campaign and Trump’s legal defense fund was spending money *in December* to amplify The Big Lie. There’s no way to interpret this other than him inflaming anger among his base purposefully to come to DC on the 6th.
The ads ran all the way to the 5th, Swalwell points out. Then they stopped. They says an enormous amount. This was always part of a strategy.
Finally, The Tweet: big protest on the 6th. Be there. Will be wild.

“This was his last chance.”
I feel like the managers could call it quits after today. I can’t get over how devastating this is. Don’t know what else they could possibly need.
I need to emphasize that I am surprised by none of how devastating it is. It is, again, like seeing the Jan 6th supercut yesterday. You know the attack was horrible. You know the case is devastating. Then you see it.
“History will remember. Never give up. See everyone in DC on January 6th”. What the hell else could he *possibly have expected would happen*?
Trump retweets a supporter saying “the cavalry is coming, Mr. President!” He responds “a great honor”.
The rhetoric here makes it clear that these people believed that *they were going to stop the election*. How would they have been expecting they would make that happen?

“That was the consistent message. President Trump was inciting something ‘historic’.”
Over and over they use this word: “historic”. Unspoken point is that another way to read that is that Trump is saying the 6th would be a state of exception, where the rules would no longer apply and a massive escalation would happen.
Trump tweets in the 5th that “thousands of people pouring into DC. They won’t stand for a landslide victory to be stolen.” Tags Republicans. How should we interpret this? “It’s all right there, and he tags Senators to pressure *you* to stop this.”
“This was never about one speech. He built this mob over many months.” YES
They are all doing so well, i am so proud, I want to bake them treats.
In a way it’s not altogether a bad thing that they’ll vote to acquit, because doing so after this is such a blatantly foolish and pathetic and shameful act. Probably one of the worst things they’ve done in public.

I don’t care that they have no shame, don’t tell me they don’t.
What matters is that they’ve made it so clear exactly who they are. You will never convince me that means nothing so don’t bother to try.
What Trump did was wildly different from what anyone in this room did to “raise election concerns”. I don’t 100% agree but I understand why he’s making that point.
Recess. 15 minutes, so I assume we’ll resume in 45.
So I guess I DO have a lot to say. This is all really important, though. It’s also interesting and compelling.
Apparently Republicans were checking out again. Hawley was hanging out in the gallery with his feet up on the seat reading some shit.

What a piece of fucking garbage, jfc
Again, we know who they are. They’re all Trump.
And again, *this is all compelling*. The managers are excellent speakers. The evidence is horrifying. None of it is new for me and I’m rapt. If Republicans are checking out, it’s not that they’re bored. It’s performative.

Pieces. Of. Garbage.
We have to defeat these motherfuckers in 2022. We simply have to. Do you want them to take control again after this display? Do you want that for them? Because I don’t.
Going to refresh drink and snacks. Thank you all for bearing with me here and I hope it’s useful to some of you.
BACK, had some shit to do.

We are proceeding with even more evidence about the days and weeks after the election, for now focusing on the calls where Trump demanded that GA officials “find” votes. “Trump did this across state after state”
This is Madeline Dean from PA btw
Now Ted Lieu will present arguments. He’s also excellent so I’m looking forward to this.

Lieu starts by describing his background from an immigrant family. Great respect and love for his and his family’s adopted country badly shaken by what happened on the 6th.
After Trump threatened election officials, he turned to relentlessly pressuring and threatening actual ELECTED officials, particularly Republican ones.

Important to note here that again, this wasn’t about party. Trump was targeting Republicans.
A really good thing about how this is all being presented is that there’s a powerful sense of momentum, of dark clouds gathering as Trump grows more and more desperate. I feel real dread watching it.
On the 4th, Trump mocks what he calls “The Surrender Caucus” within the GOP. For the most part he isn’t even bothering to target Dems anymore. He’s spinning up rage toward Republicans.
“He was coming for *you*. He was coming for all of us.”

Can’t be emphasized enough that Republicans were targeted and they’re going to rubber stamp this. Trump was all but demanding that they be assassinated, they might have been murdered on the 6th, and yet.
It isn’t even about doing the right thing, it’s about pure self-interested anger. Aren’t they pissed? At all? Aren’t they even mildly annoyed?
Please note that those questions are rhetorical. I am not asking for an answer.
Now the story on how Trump was seriously considering forcing out the AG. Again, the sheer desperation. The point being hammered here is that he was backed into a corner to such a degree that he was willing to use the weapon he’d been building for weeks.
Finally in desperation Trump targets Pence. “If he doesn’t come through, I won’t like him quite as much.”

I mean, basically he was declaring open season on Pence if Pence wouldn’t play ball. So of course they intended to kill him.
The pressure campaign on Pence was also happening behind closed doors. Again, it was relentless.
Pence was the last hope. Once he didn’t come through, that was it. All bets were off, and Trump had spent weeks building that idea in the minds of his supporters.
“At that point, President Trump ran out of non-violent options to maintain power”.

This is such a powerful argument as well. That he was just that desperate, and that we can watch his desperation growing over time very much in public.
Lieu concludes, now Stacey Plaskett of the Virgin Islands takes over and if I may say she looks like a MILLION FUCKING BUCKS, good lord what an ensemble
I won’t wax rhapsodic about it but take my word for it, all understated elegant power, and not a hair out of place as the True Crime Obsessed folks say.
“Donald Trump knew the people he was inciting. He saw what they were capable of”. He never condemned it.

The attack wasn’t planned in secret, and the rioters were loud and clear that they believed they were following his orders.
He had every reason to know that they would come armed, that they were violent. He saw innumerable examples of evidence that they would and they were.

So the main thrust of this section is specifically how Trump MUST have known, and known early.
“He fanned the flame of violence, and it worked.”

This was all deliberate. He saw it coming, and the fact that he never tried to stop it is really all the proof you need that he meant for it to happen.
Now the part of the debate where Trump told the Proud Boys to “stand by”, which I think was actually a very interesting line in a number of ways. I can’t find the thread at the moment but I recall that @AlexandraErin had some very sharp commentary on it.
The Proud Boys took that for what it sounded like. They adopted it as a slogan. They made merch with it on.
One of the main reasons why this is such effective evidence is that it’s a moment when Trump seems to be most blatantly and specifically directing a violent organized group to do something.

He knew they would listen.
Footage of the Trump truck caravan that tried to force the campaign bus off the road. A truck crashed into a car of Biden/Harris volunteers. Not merely intimidation but violence. This was a violent attack.
Trump saw it, and responded by tweeting a video of it under a tweet that said “I LOVE TEXAS!”

He saw violence, unarguable violence, and unambiguously cheered for it. It was RTed millions of times.
Trump then talked about it at a rally, made a crack about them “protecting” the bus. The crowd cheered.
There was a criminal investigation into the attack. Trump tweeted that they did nothing wrong.

What the managers aren’t saying—and I know why they can’t—is that this isn’t just Trump. The whole party has enabled and even encouraged violence.
Like, Senator Hawley? Sir? You have a raised fist salute to a mob that broke into the Capitol shortly afterward and tried to murder your colleagues, and to my knowledge you have never apologized.
The Second Million MAGA March. The Proud Boys were there. Trump didn’t attend but cheered it all day. Tweeted “WE HAVE JUST BEGUN TO FIGHT!”
At that protect, Trump supporters chanted “DESTROY THE GOP”

Anyone who didn’t give him the election had to be destroyed.
Again: This is their guy. These are their people. This is the base they want to keep with them and they’ll brush off their own attempted murder to do it.

They’re so broken.
The night of Dec 12th, the march erupts into violence. The Proud Boys vandalized churches. Trump responded by organizing the rally on the 6th.
This is all so overwhelmingly terrible.

Millions of people voted for this man.
Fuck unity.
The rally on the 6th and the violent rhetoric surrounding specifically that day didn’t happen without Trump. He didn’t just set the date. He participated. He specifically encouraged people to prepare for violence.
Trump didn’t only set the date. He didn’t only encourage the rhetoric. He directed the mob SPECIFICALLY to the Capitol. He focused the rage very intentionally. He must have known what would happen once they got to where he was sending them.
This planning for storming the Capitol wasn’t taking place on sites and platforms where Trump and his team wouldn’t have seen it. It was right out in the open, and we know that the team monitored all these groups. They even monitored 4chan and 8kun.
Post that says it can’t just be a protest. Has to be the establishment of a militia. “Tactical victory.” “Storming and occupying the Capitol.”

His team saw all of this and did nothing.
People explicitly posting about Trump ORDERING THEM TO STORM THE CAPITOL AND KILL PEOPLE.

“This is war and we’re clearly in a post-legal phase of our society”.

His team saw. These. Posts.
Trump supporters posting about telling their kids goodbye, as if they might die in DC.
Hundreds of posts identifying the Capitol as the target and elected officials as further targets for arrest and violence. None of this language was veiled, and the attack was not heat-of-the-moment. It was planned far in advance.
And once again: What did Republican Reps and Senators know and when did they know it?

Because I think it’s fucking impossible that none of them knew anything.
There were news reports on January 2 about groups coming to DC planning for violence and bringing weapons. There was warning after warning after warning. Everyone saw this coming.
I’m actually shaking a little bit.
Just the sheer horror of all of this, and how predictable it was.

“Get violent. Stop calling this a march or a rally or a protest. Either we get our president or we die.”
Since it happened I have not been this incandescently furious about it, and at every Republican in that room who is right now preparing to be bored.
Madeleine Dean will now outline the actual events of the 6th. I imagine we’ll see some pretty harrowing footage here.
Dean’s voice is breaking.

I think I might have to break into the good wine.
I definitely need to tune out for a few minutes and breathe deeply.
I didn’t expect this to be so difficult, I thought this would be a breeze after yesterday.
Never expected, I’d be watching anyway and I’m always mildly befuddled when people give me money for this, but still
Okay, I’m back with reinforcements.

In time for some footage from the rally. We’re now focusing on the actual rhetoric the speakers used.

Cries of “take the Capitol!”
I had a choice of Italian or Spanish and I decided to save the Spanish for a better mood.
Trump’s speech emphasized the stakes, and also the state of rule-suspension. The crime he framed was so terrible, the implication went, that his supporters should feel justified in doing anything it took to overturn a “fraudulent” election.
The line we’ve all heard: “if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.”
“There was only one fight left. And it was a mile up the road.”

I want to note that the actual prose of the managers’ arguments is very well done.
Dean’s voice is breaking again as she describes the mob reaching the Capitol and surging past police into the building.
“And so they came, draped in Trump’s flag, and used our flag, the American flag, to batter and to bludgeon.”
She’s done for now and I’m very glad she is because I think she needs to have a seat and some water and maybe a hug.
Now they’re on a break.

I have four Tarot readings to write up and I’m honestly not sure how many of them I’ll get to, my head is a bit of a mess.
I love this work, it’s a lot of fun and I so enjoy hearing from people that something I said helped them out, but it’s still work I’m trying to do in the midst of a state of WHAT THE FUCK
This is so, so true, wow. It really does feel exactly like that, right down to how it’s written.
I’m glad of the break, I’m actually getting some Tarot done which is work but also takes up all my brain so it’s somewhat self-care
Okay, they’re back. It does indeed seem that this is where we’ll get all the video. I’ve got wine and I’m bracing myself. I couldn’t fully watch the supercut yesterday, we’ll see how I do today.
Raskin warns for graphic violence. So yeah, it’s gonna be bad.
Plaskett returns to walk us through some of it step by step. I take comfort in the soothing and extremely flattering shade of blue she’s wearing.
Again, pressure campaign against Pence. Pence formally responds essentially telling Trump to take a hike. That was the last straw.

Let’s not boost his “courage” too much, okay? I mean, I know they were calling for his head, but.
Footage of supporters breaking through the barricades, grabbing officers who eventually run.
At that very moment, Pence was gaveling in the joint session. The work in the Capitol was underway as the assault began.
This is new, audio from police communications.

“Multiple Capitol injuries”.

They sound very freaked out.
“We need reinforcements up here now. They’re starting to pull the gates down.”

“They’re starting to throw explosives.”
Much of my commentary here will likely mostly consist of “more footage of rioters breaking down barricades and attacking police”, so: more footage of rioters breaking down barricades and attacking police.
At 1:49 PM an officer puts out a call declaring the attack a riot.
Rioters screaming “this is our fucking house!” “This is a revolution!”
It is humanly impossible to find this boring. Any senator who looks bored is performing because they are garbage.
This is horrifying, chilling, crushing, heartbreaking. It is not boring.
More footage, coupled with a map of the building and the rioters’ progress marked by a moving red dot.

Smashing windows, climbing inside. Throwing things. There’s a Confederate battle flag.
Now new security footage from inside. No sound. Single officer tries to stop them but is overwhelmed.

“The second man through the window is wearing full tactical body armor. Others are carrying riot shields.”
Plaskett says she thought back to 9/11 when she saw the model they’re showing now. She says she always remembers that 44 Americans died on the plane that they stopped from reaching the Capitol.
There is deep, visceral outrage and anger in her voice as she’s speaking about Trump’s actions as an attack on the country.
At this point Grassley has called an emergency recess and is ushered out of the chamber. It’s becoming clear to everyone that something dangerous is happening.

Footage of Goodman responding to the initial breach. Directs Romney to safety.
The mob is searching for the Senate chamber, chanting USA USA. Footage of Goodman as he heads them off.

This is why she mentioned the 44 people who died on the plane.
The rioters were shouting that they had no weapons which is fucking laughable.
“As the rioters reached the top of the stairs, they were within 100 feet of where the Vice President was sheltering with his family.”

They were also close to “all of you.”
This is when Goodman leads them away. There’s footage of the guy in full tactical gear—he’s carrying a baseball bat.

You can indeed kill someone with a baseball bat, btw. In case anyone didn’t know.
At this point rioters are dispersing throughout the Capitol, looking for Pence specifically and lawmakers in general.

Extremists were coordinating online as they searched for Pence.

Really important to understand that Pence was in some ways THE primary target.
Not Pelosi. Not Schumer. I imagine AOC would have been a great bonus, but they were after Pence. Because Pence had been framed as the last line of defense, and he betrayed them.
Guy made a video of himself calling lawmakers cowards. “Pence lied to us.” “Now the real battle begins.”
btw this was made AFTER the riot.
Criminal complaint: members of the Proud Boys who were there that day testified explicitly that they would have killed anyone they could have gotten their hands on that day.

So maybe Hawley would have been okay? But if I were him I wouldn’t be laying bets on that?
I honestly think they would have killed anyone without regard for who they were. Again, this wasn’t about party.
It is indeed clear from their own words that they were looking for Pelosi specifically to kill her. Pence might have been the primary target but it was not in any way just about him.
Guy who was there posts later on FB: “Crazy Nancy probably would have been torn into little pieces but she was nowhere to be seen.”

“Crazy Nancy” is Trump’s nickname for her.
Same guy describes what they did as a “hostile takeover”.

Some of these guys were military, and a lot of them were wannabes using military lingo.
Absolutely chilling video of a rioter stalking down the hall calling “NAAAAANCYYYYYY, WHERE ARE YOU NAAAAAANCYYYYYYY”
This could have been so much worse, folks. This could have been an absolute massacre. It wasn’t for lack of trying.
Rioter tried to break through the doors where some staffers were barricaded. Made it through the outer door but gave up when he reached the inner door.

Oh, god, video of staffers hiding.
Or not video, audio. Whispering as pounding can be heard on the other side of the door.

These people really, really thought they would die.

Republicans are fucking broken.
They are absolutely fucking broken.

We need to politically destroy the party. It can’t be reformed.
Rioter carrying 950k volt stun gun. He ransacked Pelosi’s office, left a message reading WE WILL NOT BACK DOWN
I really, really want everyone reading this thread or watching this as it happens to understand: this is what’s at stake in 2022. Probably in multiple elections after that. This is what we’re facing down.
Yeah, these people were chanting DESTROY THE GOP. But the GOP has decided to align with them anyway.
Some of you are being extraordinarily generous right now and I want to say that I am extremely grateful.
More panicky police audio. “They have breached the Capitol. We’re surrounded.”
Swalwell has taken over.

I am amazed that these people are holding it together.
I wouldn’t. I would be climbing over podiums and desks to get at Republicans pretending to be bored. Not sure what I’d do when I got to them but it wouldn’t be polite.
More footage of rioters breaching the “crypt”. This is directly beneath the rotunda. At this point the House was suspended and reps were told to be ready to grab their gas masks. I can’t even imagine how terrifying that moment was.
....I have no idea why the House was gaveled back into session for a few minutes but apparently it was.

The new chaplain got up and prayed for peace. Swalwell texted his wife “I love you and the babies. Please hug them for me.”
Rioters within feet of the House door. Chants of “WE WANT TRUMP”

Look, like... I’m not sentimentally patriotic. I have no illusions about this country. I mostly regard the flag as just a flag. But the sight of them carrying an American flag makes my blood boil.
Many reps were waiting in the gallery because of COVID restrictions. Took cover and huddled under seats wearing gas masks and holding hands.

That photo of Jason Crow comforting a plainly terrified Susan Wilde. I sort of can’t.
And this is the footage of Ashley Babbitt being shot.
I actually didn’t watch that one just now.

It’s snowing.
I’m actually crying now, I need to mute and breathe.
Just. Fuck the Republican fucking Party. Fuck them. They did this.
And they’re still doing it now.
And they aren’t going to stop.
At this point riot police are beginning to clear the Capitol.

Swalwell says they’ve been careful up until now to not share details of where people were sheltering, but that’s at issue now.

Pouring myself more wine.

It’s good wine.
Footage of reps filing out, guided by police. Swalwell mentions that this is when staff grabbed the ballots to save them.

Swalwell says that most of the public doesn’t in fact know just how close the rioters were “to all of you”.

He says he paced it. 58 steps away.
Friendly reminder that Republicans are fucking broken.
Rioters didn’t succeed in killing any lawmakers or staff, but they did stop the count, and they’re celebrating that.

They found Cruz’s Arizona objection. They seem pleased. I hope Cruz is also pleased with himself.
Flex cuffs.
“If the chamber had been breached minutes earlier, imagine what they could have done with those cuffs”.
Swalwell was kind of a doofus during the primary but he is demonstrating superhuman self-control here.
More audio and video from the officers. We’re focusing more on their POV now.

Officer: “we’re still taking rocks, bottles, and pieces of metal pole.”

“DSO, DSO, I need a re-up up here.”
Officers getting pepper-sprayed.

I understand the urge to think “serves you right” and I more than sympathize, but anyone who pops in to say anything like that right now is getting fucking blocked.
Deeply upsetting bodycam footage from 4:something PM. At that point the riot had been going on for over two hours.

The attacks on police that afternoon were “constant”.
This is the video of the officer being crushed in the door. I honestly find this one the most upsetting. He’s so scared and he’s in so much pain.
Republicans are pro-cop, have you heard? They super care.
They’re pro-fascist violent. They’re anti-human.
Recess for dinner.

I need a fucking smoke.
For some reason that quote from the end of Se7en just popped into my head.

“‘The world is a fine place and worth the fighting for.’ I agree about the second part.”
fwiw, I think the world is a fine place. I really do. It’s awful and also it’s a fine place. It’s complicated.

But right now? Yeah.
But right now I’m also sitting outside watching the snow and birds hopping around eating the seed I put out, so that also exists.
I did a doctoral dissertation on Nazi death camps and came out of it with my faith in humanity not only unshaken but reinforced.

The world is complicated. Life is complicated.
All right, we’re resuming. I will likely have to take a break to handle dinner real quick.

Now focusing on Trump himself and what he did on the 6th. Really glad they’re digging into this but there are additional details we need to know that still are only whispers.
Another quick timeline, and footage of Trump explicitly directing the crowd to the Capitol to badger Republicans.

*Republicans.* He says the Dems are a lost cause so who cares about them.
I missed which manager is talking now because I was feeding cats and I don’t recognize voices, sorry.
Trump of course lied—he wasn’t with the mob. He went home to watch in comfort.

(And glee.)
The explosive devices found at both the DNC and RNC. But what was Trump doing during all this?
It was clear what was happening. It was well underway. But Trump did nothing until 1:49, when he tweeted a clip... of his speech from the rally.

So he’s basically egging people on.
Side by side shots of the clip he tweeted and the crowd bursting through the barricades.
Even if he didn’t know the full extent of what was happening before then, by that point it was “happening in full view”. Not only does he not try to stop it, he doesn’t even acknowledge it’s happening. He only tweets that incendiary clip.

Those around him “were disgusted”.
They were urging him to do something.

Of course none of them are on the record now. None of them have spoken openly.
McCarthy called Kushner pleading with him to do something.

Not only did Trump have no excuse for not knowing what was going on because of media coverage, PEOPLE WERE TELLING HIM.
People around Trump were “lobbying” him. It’s clear what he did to “protect us”: nothing.

He knew he had the power to stop it at any time and said nothing. He ignored all the people begging him to act. For an hour and a half.
“He did nothing—and we know was reported by those around him.” He was reportedly “delighted.”

Quoting Ben Sasse reporting a conversation he had with an aide saying that Trump was walking around the WH confused that people weren’t as excited as he was.
God, please get these people under oath.
The first call Trump finally made was an attempt to call Tuberville, and of course it went to the wrong person, Sen. Lee. Trump reportedly asked Tuberville to make additional objections.

That’s what he was concerned with.
I have no idea whether I’m spelling Tuberville’s name correctly and guess what I don’t caaaaaaaaaare because fuuuuuuck hiiiiiiim
At this point people were being instructed to get gas masks and be prepared to evacuate.
People with brass knuckles and zip ties: “they were coming for *us*. And but for the grace of God they would have gotten us”.
Around 7 pm Giuliani also fucked up and called Lee, which is hilarious.

His message? Slow down the count.

Absolutely no interest in how things are going. Is anyone hurt. Is anyone dead.
Sometimes you have to use inferences to piece together a defendant’s state of mind. You don’t have to do that here. It’s clear. It’s in his own words.
One final point before Castro takes over (😍), the rioters came *into this room*, “rifled through your desks”, desecrated the place, and Trump did not appear to care in the slightest.

The message: he betrayed *you*. All of you.
Castro picks up at 2:15 pm. At that point people were evacuating, including Pence.

In the speech, Trump called Pence out eleven times.
Even if Trump didn’t know his rhetoric would result in Pence being targeted for assassination, by 2:15 he would have known.
At 2:24 he not only didn’t try to cool things off, he tweeted about Pence being a traitor. After he should have known the danger Pence was in.
Wow, video of a rioter *reading Trump’s tweet about Pence’s failure* into a bullhorn.
Might have to break for groceries and dinner in a sec, shouldn’t be long.
“Mike Pence let us down! If you wanna get something done, you’re gonna have to do it yourself.”
We all know this, but again: they erected A GALLOWS. Photo. “Please, take a close look at that picture. It hearkens back to our nation’s worst history.”
Meadows’s staff begged him to talk to Trump. “They’re going to kill people.” Literally everyone was clear on what was going on.

Shortly after 2:30, Trump did do a tepid tweet asking the rioters not to hurt cops.n
Not “don’t kill Mike Pence”. Not “don’t kill lawmakers”.

He did say “stay peaceful”. Castro: “These folks were *not peaceful*. How about ‘stop the attack’?”
People were literally telling him that he was the only one who could stop it, that he needed to do so. “He can stop this now. Tell these folks to go home.”

Kevin McCarthy goes on Fox to be sad.

That should be interpreted at him directly talking to Trump.
The next tweet wasn’t until 3:13. The attack was well underway, the violence was undeniable. Again a tepid request to “remain peaceful”.
Gotta do dinner, will be back.
Can dart in while stuff is on the stove.

Trump was “disengaged in discussions with Pentagon leaders”. He was “completely and totally out of it”. And now the part about how *Pence* was the one who finally coordinated with the National Guard and DOD.
Castro points out that the rioters thought Trump would deploy the National Guard to help *them*. Trump never mentioned or dealt with the National Guard at all.

He left the police unprotected.
He was tweeting about not fighting the cops, but did he actually tell people to stop and leave? Not once. And they were horribly injured and one died. They were violently overwhelmed by a mob, needed help, and Trump refused to send it.
“Trump left everyone in this Capitol for dead.”
On the right, video of the riot. On the left, the hostage video of Trump complaining about the election and then being like oh by the way go home
“Nowhere in that video, not once, did he say ‘I condemn this insurrection’.” Instead he places himself on their side, and repeats the lie that got us there in the first place.

Further incitement as the attack was ongoing.
“‘We love you. You’re very special.’ This was not a message of condemnation. This was a message of consolation.”

Video of rioter saying they’ve been asked to go home. “Why?” “Because we fucking won the day!”
They sent a message that they’re willing to remove people from office “one way or the other.”

This wasn’t a win for America. “It was a win for Donald Trump, unless we hold him accountable.”
Trump’s “these are the things that happen” tweet. “Remember this day forever!”

This is the tweet that shows how he really felt. He’s saying that this was foreseeable, you were warned, and you got what you deserve.
Castro says five tweets and a prerecorded video over the course of the whole riot into the night, from a man who tweets constantly. That’s all he could be bothered to do.
This point is sort of sliding by but is especially devastating: he’s saying *you were warned*.

He can’t claim that he didn’t know what would happen. He literally claims to have foreseen it.
Castro wraps up. That was absolute 🔥🔥🔥🔥

Seems like they’re recessing for the evening and will pick up tomorrow.

Wait, Lee is standing up and claiming the managers were wrong about what he said. Demands they be stricken from the record.

Bit of a scuffle here. I’m not sure what the ruling is.
I’m bad at parliamentary procedure and I’m frankly confused.n

Then again, they seem also confused.
Lee is mad and accusing the managers of lying. Not in so many words but yes.
Lee is accusing Leahy of ruling on a motion he didn’t make. He is MAD

lmao an afternoon of horror and this is what he’s mad about
I’m literally not sure what there’re voting on here. I’m sorry I can’t provide any clarity.

haha Schumer just asked for a point of clarification, it’s not just me

*general commotion*
Nicole Wallace breaks in to explain, thank god

She says a senator who voted yesterday that the whole thing is illegitimate is now VERY PUT OUT that the proceedings are going wrong
Okay, Leahy apparently ruled that Lee didn’t have the right to strike his quotes. They’re now voting on his appeal.

McCaskill says that this is really pent-up frustration and I think that’s probably right.
They’re upset, they’re alarmed about how things are going, and they’re trying to cause a ruckus.
Raskin is back at the mic

He says they’ll withdraw the quotes for the evening and they’ll pick it up later. “It’s much ado about nothing, it’s not essential to our case.”

Lee, whining: “you’re not the one being cited as a witness.”


They never miss a chance to be pathetic, any more than Dems miss a chance to shoot themselves in the foot.
Anyway, that’s a wrap for tonight. I need to eat and finish the bottle of wine. I’ll be back at it tomorrow.

Again, if you got anything out of this and want to contribute to my booze fund, tips are great. 
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