1. A little dive in https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2021/02/dont-laugh-marjorie-taylor-greene/617971/

“I went and looked for answers of why this was happening...The first thing I came across was Alex Jones...the man who took the marketing of his bubble mainstream, and in the process ruined millions of people’s lives, is Alex Jones.”
2. @cwhmonyt and I will likely cover this in our Alex Jones video in depth but I want to say a few things. First off, I never knew about dogwhistling when I listened to Alex in 2011-2016. Had I known, I probably would have stopped at some point, but not immediately
3. The article is right about the rabbit hole problem "Lokteff is well aware of how people wind up on Red Ice. “They search around online,” she told me. “They’ll find some of the bait and some of the memes out there and kind of go down this little rabbit hole, and they find us."
4. I want to be very clear when I say this: Do white supremacist's, fascists' and other bad sects of our country listen to Alex? No doubt. I was not. 2011-2016 Alex was a very different Alex. Alex of 2011-2016 was more faux libertarian than he is today. That is how it starts.
5. I'm not saying that libertarianism itself is bad, although personally I disagree with the ideology, but Alex pre-Trump rode on the coattails of Ron and Rand Paul, and on Andrew Napolitano. This was so he would be accepted by as many people as possible.
6. Thus, when Alex did turn heel, to use a pro wrestling phrase, no one noticed at the beginning how fascist he became because it's just like boiling a frog in water. Do it correctly, and the frog never notices. I left Alex just after Trump's election, literally a week after.
7. Finally, we must remember what drew them into the conspiracy, not just what they believe, but why they got in in the first place. A white-supremacist getting into Alex will become moreso. All roads do lead to fascism in this ideology. It just depends on where you are.
8. Big thank you to @QuacksAnonymous for the article, and @Robin_of_A for explaining various things about the current state of conspiracy I'd also like to hear what @ActivistHat_ has to say, he posted a really good thread on Tucker Carlson that I recommend reading. Stay tuned.
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