This is actually really important in our fight for our rights as well as for hope of trans inclusive healthcare.

1. It sends a strong message that protecting the rights affirmed under the SCOTUS decision is a priority.
2. It sends a message to our international allies that the US Gov. views Trans rights as a fundamental human right. This is good for our trans family in the UK and in Poland where rights are under major attack.
3. Speaking of the UK, seeing the way access to trans healthcare in the NHS is being attacked and taken away should alarm us as we fight for a nationalized healthcare system in the US. Let's be crystal clear - if we don't have someone willing to
say Trans Rights are Human Rights to an overtly transphobic question about trans youth in schools, than we would have zero chance at having trans healthcare be included at all. Reminder it was the ACA that affirmed trans healthcare as part of medicare/medicaid that opened the
door for more trans inclusive healthcare policies across the country. This gave access to care for so many of us for the first time.

4. There are currently bills popping up all over the country (31 bills, 20 states) where they seek to criminalize access to trans healthcare.
These bills would make doctors felons for providing care to trans youth (some of them up to age 21) as well as take kids away from loving homes. Knowing we have an administration that will provide resources to fight these bills in the courts is important.
So yes - we have a shit ton of work to do, but also recognize the importance and impact that this administration answering a transphobic question with a simple, trans rights are human rights, is a critical step in the path to where we need to go.
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