12 Reasons You Might Want to Substitute Black/Red Rice for White Rice:

1. Black rice is minimally processed.
Therefore it packs a powerful nutritional punch.
White rice has its hull, bran and germ removed by processing, so it lacks minerals and phytonutrients.
2. Black rice is more nutrient-dense than the white rice.

3. Higher in protein.
It has 9.1 grams of protein per 100 grams, while white rice has 6.2 grams of protein per 100 grams.
Compared with other types of rice, black rice is one of the highest in protein.
4. Lower in carbs when it’s cooked.
A cup of cooked white rice has total carbs of 53 grams, while black rice has total carbs of 34 grams.

5. Has lower glycemic index.
It has low GI of 42.3, while white rice has GI of 64. (Low GI: <55, Medium GI: 56 to 69, High GI: 70 to 100)
6. Healthier choice for those with insulin resistance,high blood sugar,diabetes.
Since it has low GI, it does not cause blood sugar spikes.

** Regular white rice consumption has been linked to higher risk of Type-2 diabetes whereas black rice consumption was linked to lower risk
7. Supports digestive health as it’s higher in fibre.
It’s got 4.7 grams of fibre per 100 grams while white rice has 1.3 grams.

8. Good source of iron and potassium.
9. Excellent source of antioxidants due to anthocyanins compound.
In addition to anthocyanins, it contains over 23 plant compounds with antioxidant properties.
Anthocyanins have strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.
10. Protects your cells against oxidative stress due to its high antioxidant content.

11. Naturally gluten-free.
Gluten is one of the most common protein group that’s linked to allergies, digestive issues, sensitivities & leaky gut.
It's highly associated with anxiety as well.
12. One drawback is its high content of phytic acid which is an anti-nutrient that affects body’s ability to absorb some minerals. Soaking rice in water overnight is a useful way to reduce its phytic acid content. (Same for legumes)
🔺Black rice is also called ‘forbidden rice’. In ancient China, it was considered very unique & nutritious that it was forbidden for all but royalty to ensure the emperor’s health & longevity.

🔺If you’re a big fan of white rice, I’d recommend mixing it up with black/red rice.
🔺Might be a good idea to serve it with vit C rich veggies such as broccoli, cauliflower, red pepper, or spinach to counteract the inhibiting effect of phytic acid & increase the absorption of iron.

🔺Stay away from microwavable rice sachets as it’s super easy to cook it at home
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