The Iraqi Arab political parties interests in working with the Kurdistan Region population is increasing but they found the following obstacles:
▶️The majority of young Kurdish people cannot speak Arabic and there is a huge gap between the KRI & the rest of Iraq youths.
▶️The old generation will obviously never or rarely join these political parties.
▶️KDP & PUK will address anyone who works for these lists, movements and political parties as enemies or betrayal to Kurdish nationalism and patriotism.
▶️KRI intelligence agencies will haunt down all those who supports these coalition or political parties or working for expanding of their works in KRI.
▶️KRI KDP & PUK media/journalism educated the citizens of Kurdistan Region to hate and blame the Iraqi Gov, Arab political parties and leaders for the financial challenges, historical destruction and political unrest in the region.

However the Arab Iraqis and political parties did not engaged with the KRI community and its needs and will. They don't have a clear agendas regarding the Kurdish language, KRI and Baghdad relations, Kurdish will of more power and autonomy and ⤵️
they don't have the true knowledge of what to do with the KRI ambition for independence.

The kurds in Iraq mistrust any attempt by the Arab leaders, political parties and politicians. The afraid of losing what they have achieved if they supported a strong, prosper and ⤵️
one Iraq agenda that some of the new political parties and coalition work for.

To build a strong bridge between the KRI and the rest of Iraq, it does need more information, knowledge, engagement and investment in the whole Iraqi community.
The Arab political parties, leaders, lists and coalition have to show their true intends and program for the upcoming election. They have to address the Kurdish community and work on solving the Baghdad- Erbil tensions.
They need to use the Kurdish language in doing so and in making sure that Kurds have a strong place in the future Iraq as it is now or better.

The young Arab activists and politicians may want this but they are new in entering the political system and governce in #Iraq.
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