Dean Winchester being straight in canon is emphasized by so many queer fans not because we really itch for more straight dudes on TV, but some of yall acting like the writers are doing homophobic microaggressions against a straight white man and that's fucking no from me.
Your headcanon of Dean Winchester being bi doesn't make him Bi. Jensen Ackles and various writers have confirmed over and over again that he's not bi. Dean Winchester isn't representation for queer people. Please go consume ACTUAL QUEER MEDIA IM BEGGING YOU.
& Headcanoning a straight character as bi isn't a problem, but it is a problem when that character is treated as actual representation. It shits all over queer authors/writers. Queer actors. In a world where queer creators have a hard enough time being seen.
One thing that kills me about "dean is bi in the canon" people is that almost all of them I've seen don't actively consume ACTUAL queer media. Your straight white cis male comfort character isn't representing us, but your queer fam could sure use your $$ to support their works.
Dean Winchester was created by a team of almost all straight white cis men who think that casual gay jokes are funny. Consuming that media is fine. I also like problematic media. Dean Winchester ain't part of our queer club. He wasn't written for us.
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