🧵1-Apparently I struck a nerve with the word Hispanic...I’ve been talking about the difference & the origin of the term for a long time but it seems I should bring up its history. First off Hispanic doesn’t equal Latinx & Latinx does not equal Hispanic
2-Hispanic is a misguided blanket term when you consider the complex identities within the Latinx community. The history of Hispanic is intimately tied to the government & Nixon the way they attempted to identify different groups of people in the U.S. Census.
3-Hispanic has negative connotations and racist undertones. It is very Eurocentric and erases our indigenous and Black cultures, leaving so many out. Let’s not forget we were colonized by white men from Spain and white men in the US.
4-At the end of the day, if YOU want to identify as Hispanic, GREAT. Your identity is your identity. No one can question it, but you also don’t need to question others. You have the right to identify with whatever ethnicity and culture you feel you connect to the most.
5-As for me I am from the indigenous tribe Tepehuán, a proud Chicana, Mexican American with indigenous roots stolen and destroyed by the Spanish. Don’t address me as Hispanic. Have a blessed day everyone!
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