So the pandemic & the government’s failed response to it (starting w/ the xenophobic framing that blames it on Asian ppl) has no connection to the increase in crime? Crime is happening b/c Black ppl + allies are organizing to funnel police funding into community resources?
B/c it’s clear that folks need to hear this: BLM & the movement to defund the police are not to blame for the increase in crime in the Asian community. Y’all have more smoke for Black ppl fighting for their lives AND to keep our communities safe & not enough for white supremacy.
Anyone who cares to understand the violence (& I’m talking a/b more than just the assaults on our Asian elders, I’m talking about intracommunity violence that’s been happening for decades & has only been exacerbated by the pandemic) would be doing their anti-violence homework.
If you did that & connected the dots between crime, violence, low-income communities of color, urban planning, policing, racial profiling, incarceration, xenophobia, poverty, unemployment, immigration, anti-Black racism: you would never let systems of white supremacy off the hook
Part of the issue with folks’ take on the increase in violence against Asian folks here in the Bay is that a lot of y’all aren’t here in the Bay, learning/working with/understanding the decades long work Asian, Black, Latinx, etc folks have been doing around public safety.
A lot of their efforts are moving away from giving OPD more $$$ and instead, advocating that the $$$ go to education, employment, health, housing, etc. Things that their research/data actually shows will lessen crime. Safe communities have the most resources: not the most cops.
Because if safe communities had the most cops? If safe communities gained its safety from incarcerating people who commit violent crimes?

The U.S. would be the safest place on the planet by now. Seeing as how a majority of every city’s funding goes to police & prisons.
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