lets talk about how people on twitch treat female streamers, and why its a problem, because you guys never seem to listen when girls speak up: a thread made by a young girl who streams
lets start off with the fact that people have normalized girls receiving sexual messages in their chat. i dont know why that ever became something even remotely acceptable, but people need to start taking more notice of it, and do something. now, i myself am a child. i am (1/10)
a very young girl who has pushed myself to stream because i enjoy streaming, and because i love the feeling of being able to perform for an audience, especially during lockdown when theres no theatre or debate club for me to participate in. it is unacceptable that there (2/10)
have been fully grown men in my twitch chat in the past asking for my nudes. i am quite literally growing up on the internet, and i have been faced with men viewing my body as an object for their own pleasure more times than i can count. and nobody seems to care. i (3/10)
have raised concerns about this issue countless times, and yet every time my requests for the bare minimum of a conversation regarding the topic of sexism and the treatment of young girls and women on twitch goes completely unheard. and whilst i may be using my own (4/10)
experience as an example, i am in no way the only girl who faces this issue. it is not okay that i am expected to put up with this and move on with my day. it is not okay that nothing is being done to solve this issue. (5/10)
lets move on and talk about the clear disparity in the way that male and female streamers and treated, and what it takes for a woman to do well as opposed to a man. looking at twitch charts, you can see a gap of over 100k in between the peak viewership for the top female (6/10)
streamer, versus the TENTH highest viewer peak on the charts for MALE streamers. I dont even know why I have to explain why this is an issue. Women are so much less likely than men to do well at twitch, and most of the time the reasoning behind their success is attributed (7/10)
to their looks or body rather than their personality or actual content. It is rare if not unheard of to see a woman succeed in twitch without a facecam, or without fitting the stereotype of an "attractive woman". (8/10)
And of course Twitch has been made aware of this issue, but as much as they'd like to think that they're doing something, banning three words isn't going to do much when it comes to the actual issue at hand (9/10)
There are countless other issues I could bring up, but these are the main ones that I find the most prominent. I doubt this thread will do well at all, but on the off chance it does I hope that I've managed to help raise awareness :] (10/10)
if you wanna support me then follow my twitch !! im nearing 200 followers and even just a follow is super appreciated. once again, thank you all so so so much for bringing awareness to this issue :] it means a lot to me, much love to you all 
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