I don't think the general language we are using in the discourse about covid vaccines is appropriate.

So far, 140 million people have received a covid vaccine worldwide. There have been virtually NO DEATHS from covid after receiving the vaccine. This should be common knowledge.
I admire scientists who use the academic language of skepticism in their popular work bc it translates to a more scientifically literate audience.

But, it's creating a cloud of doubt over vaccinations which is dangerous. A third of Americans say they will not get vaccinated.
The headline should always be, "Covid vaccines mean you will not die of covid." You may get covid, but it will be a very mild form. All this talk of 67% vs. 95% effectiveness clouds the issue that vaccines make covid NOT DEADLY.
And ironically, the language of skepticism, which is usually quite healthy, is endangering the single greatest public health issue of our lifetimes: reaching herd immunity before covid can mutate beyond our ability to vaccinate for it.
So I'm begging journalists, popular scientists and experts to please continue their work educating their readers, but to lead with the big important news that laypeople can process: GETTING VACCINATED MEANS YOU WON'T DIE OF COVID.
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