Eritreans know full well that the people of Ethiopia never harbored such evil and willful thoughts about Eritrea or Eritreans. I explained to him that the “crab mentality” was unique to the minority regime in Ethiopia and its ignominious leaders.
For those who don’t know about “crab mentality” is, it’s an attitude that afflicts those, such as the regime in Ethiopia and its Tigrayan leaders, who suffer from inferiority complex.
Z term “crab mentality” is used to describe a kind of selfish, short-sighted thinking which runs along z lines of “if I can’t have it, neither can you.” This term refers to people who pull other people down, denigrating them rather than letting them get ahead or pursue their....
.... dreams. The regime’s delusions of grandeur prevent it from facing the facts on the ground and for facing its own inadequacies.
This concept references an interesting phenomenon which occurs in buckets of crabs. If one crab attempts to escape from a bucket of live crabs, the other crabs will pull it back down, rather than allowing it to get free.Sometimes, the crabs seem almost malicious, waiting......
....until the crab has almost escaped before yanking it back into the pot. All of the crabs are undoubtedly aware of the fact that their fate is probably not going to be very pleasurable, so people are led to wonder why they pull each other back into the bucket,......
....instead of congratulating the clever escape artist.
For the last 10 years, the minority regime in Ethiopia and its mercenaries have undermined Eritrea’s development and food security policies.
It ridiculed Eritrea’s National Service program, the Warsay Yikaalo program for development and labeled it “slavery”. Today, instead of learning from Eritrea, which has managed to develop its war torn economic infrastructures using its own human and material resources,.....
built hospitals, clinics and schools to improve the quality of life for its citizens, and built the necessary agricultural infrastructures to ensure food security for its people, the regime, in what has to be the ugliest forms of jealousy, is now trying to strangulate Eritrea’s
.....economy and prevent it from reaching its potentials. Inflicted with this “crab mentality”, the minority regime is hell bent on destroying Eritrea and if need be, taking all of the Horn of Africa down with it.
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