Resources around critiquing the ACEs study/score/framework: a thread!
First, I have to be a good author and plug my forthcoming book. There's a chapter on the pitfalls of using ACEs checklists in education and a call to instead view trauma-informed practice as a universal approach:
Another overview: listen to @BDPerry talk about some of the problems and limitations with "ACEs science." Jump to about minute 27 for the start of that discussion:
And here is @ResilNation with their "Pair of ACEs" tree (scroll down) 
I hope this has been helpful, and let me say one last thing: it's totally OK if you have an emotional connection to the ACE checklist because it was powerful for *you* in understanding trauma. AND...
When we hold realllly tight to frameworks and reject critique of them, we're not learning anymore and we're not helping. Trauma is endlessly complicated and the simplicity of an "ACEs score" can mask that complexity.
So when we explore critiques and complexities beyond the ACEs score, we're expanding our understanding of trauma, which ultimately allows us to show up better for kids and to disrupt the causes of trauma, which is the whole point!

Thanks for reading.
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