6 Leadership skills that you need to master to Lead Change in your business

Surviving in the world of business today is different from thriving in it.

To thrive as a leader in your business you must be a catalyst for change.

Easier said than done but still possible.

Master these 6 skills and you will be well equipped to lead change⬇⬇
1⃣ Master Perceptiveness

Perceptive leaders have an advantage when it comes to inspiring and recognizing the need for change.

You envision the possibilities, embrace what could be rather than staying satisfied with the status quo of what is.
2⃣ Question Effectively

As much as change is not easy, asking tough questions and challenging yourself are neccessary if you want progress.

By being skilled at questioning, you generate confidence, loyalty and motivation.

Great leadership is relational not transactional.
3⃣Be an Effective Communicator

It's simply impossible to become a great leader without being a great communicator even moreso when you want to lead change

>> Affirm with actions
>> Clarify and simplify
>> Have an open mind
>> Read between the lines
>> Listen and encourage input
4⃣ Be Trustworthy

To successfully lead change you need to be trustworthy because no one listens and follows those they don't trust.

In the hands of a trusted leader your team are more comfortable with change and more willing to embrace a new vision.
5⃣ Be Courageous

Courage is the foundation of leadership and to lead change you need to embrace and value change.

As much as you need to have the cojones to make unpopular decisions don't easily buy in to ideas that will hurt your credibility that took years to build.
6⃣ Be Patient but Persistent

Understand that change takes time and without persistence the whole idea loses its significance.

Leave an open door for others to see what you see.
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