A thread because I couldn't condense thoughts into just 1 tweet. Its clear from today that Govt still haven't got a grip or understanding of the post Grenfell remediation problem. Another piecemeal approach to solving a large web of interconnected issues. #EndOurCladdingScandal
A failure still to acknowledge the issues of those in buildings under 18 meters. A failure to understand the wider remediation / fire safety works and the scale and costs of these works, which at present are still falling unfairly on leaseholders.
Still no holding to account of Developers for works which should have been done when buildings were first developed and which could now cost £millions to correct.
Still no accountability for the insurance sector who haven't been paying out for current problems but have also continued to profiteer from the crisis.
The Government's Remediation Task force (which I sat on from MCC) has not met for nearly two years now. All of these issues were being raised through the taskforce. Including the need for leaseholders to be represented in these discussions.
We have in the absence of the Task Force meetings continued to raise these concerns on a regular basis with Government - Local Authorities, Leaseholders, cross party MPs and many many others. They simply are not listening.
Yes this funding is welcome - but it is disingenuous to present it as solving the post Grenfell cladding and fire safety remediation problem.
It simply will not do that and another 2 years down the line without further action hundreds of thousands of people across the UK will remain locked in these unsafe buildings.
You can follow @CllrSuzanne.
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