Hillary Clinton and her crew made up the russia hoax in 2016 to get the attention off her.

We found out Brennan briefed Obama this in July 2016.

It was referred to the fbi to investigate.

Comey testified he had no recollection of that.
Bruce Ohr (doj) was married to nellie who worked for fusion gps who wrote the fake dossier.

The source for the fake dossier was a man fiona Hill introduced to Christopher steele.

He said his info was all bar talk.

Fiona Hill also lied during her impeachment testimony.
Christopher Steele used a fake story in his russiahoax dossier written by cody shearer and jon winer in april 2016. It was intentionally dated incorrectly in his fake dossier.

Shearer and winer are sidney blumenthal people ie Hillary Clinton people.
Around this time, @DavidCornDC from mother jones was passing around the dossier to his LONGTIME friend, James Baker (FBI) and then wrote an article before the 2016 election with the fake dossier lies.
We also found out Hillary and the DNC paid Perkins Coie to pay Fusion GPS for the fake dossier work. Ie: passing it around to everyone they knew in the fbi, doj, state department, john mccain, the media, and other democrats in the gang of 8 (at different times).

Marc elias👇
Oh. Btw.

We still don’t know if the DNC was even hacked.

Did you know that? https://twitter.com/aaronjmate/status/1258572139504054274
They were trying to convince everyone the DNC was hacked by russians working with Trump. I think that is what this exchange was about.

See all the same names? Sussman-perkins coie.
This is where Crowstrike is involved, too, btw.

Priestep said this about it👇
The “highly respected company” (crowdstrike) shared what they saw with the fbi.

The fbi did NOT inspect the servers.
So, then in December 2016, Obama tasked the intelligence community (3 agencies, not all 17) to do the Intelligence Community Assessment. The peepee dossier part was briefed to trump and then leaked to the media.

Clapper describes the handpicked team:
This is the same time as the Flynn setup is happening.

We have everyone working behind the scenes (media, politicians, think tanks, law firms, all planting this narrative everywhere) that Putin is Trump’s master.

None of it true.

Trump fires Comey. And Mueller is born.
In the meantime, devin nunes sees some evidence that something is fishy af, and they start investigating where all this went off the rails.

Mueller eventually shows that Trump and team were not working with putin to affect the outcome of the election.

So they try obstruction.
Remember this?

All this corruption is connected.
Listen to this phone call (just for background)
So Trump had two phone calls with the new Ukrainian President.

That’s where we have the names fiona hill, eric ciaramella, IG Atkinson, and Yovanovitch, etc pop up for the impeachment.

I think this is what the democrats and deep state (whatever you call them) wanted to hide.
We know they HAD to put Biden back in to cover all this up and make any attack on Biden perceived as a political attack instead of legitimate investigation into the hoax russia peepee coup attempt against Trump.
Enter the chinese communist party virus, the nonstop riots from may to October, the time magazine article of “fortifying” NOT rigging the election, then Jan 6.

We are now expected to believe NOT EVEN ONE anti-Trump protester was in attendance in D.C. on Jan 6.

So, to sum up.

It was all a hoax.

Everything against trump was a hoax.

Is it just dirty politics? Or is it more sinister like a country like China behind it?

Because this is big-not the typical political game.

John Durham better bring the goods.
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