There are three major radical initiatives about the #ABCAct:

1) Offers $2K/month to adults + $1K/child/month to EVERYONE for the length of the pandemic emergency + 1 year after it is lifted; then reverts to $1K adult/$500 child per month for 1 year after that.

2) #ABCAct distributes the money directly from the Fed Treasury, first through prepaid debit cards (along with Direct Deposit to existing bank accounts and checks); but ultimately through direct Federal digital accounts set up for everyone, bypassing private banks entirely.

AND 3) it is "paid" for using full #MMT fiat, via the process of minting platinum coins and giving them enough value through fiat funding to meet the costs of the policy.

#ABCAct #MintTheCoin
The #ABCAct also calls for, in addition to the $2K base payments, supplemental payments to be offered to "special needs" groups at the discretion of the Treasury Secretary who have needs above and beyond what could be covered by the base $2K monthly payments.
Essentially, this is as close to a genuine #UBI scheme as you could get, and far, far better than Andrew Yang's $1K/month insufficiency.

Right now, there are plans to merge Tlaib's #ABCAct with the Sanders-Markey-Harris #EmergencyMoneyCreditServicesAct, which is Sanders' own $2K recurring payment bill now pending in the Senate.

That would not be a bad idea.
If the Squad and the progressives in the Senate could simply find their spines and cojones and adapt this combination AND #Medicare4All and use this as their leverage against Biden and the Conservadems now holding OUR $2K checks hostage, that would be a gamechanger.

Only change I would adopt would be that the initial payments of the #ABCAct reflect retroactivity to at least June of last year, preferably March.
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