To those who cant quite understand $DELTA x $CORE

This is insanely bullish news.
Delta financial is going to completely take over the options in defi space by doing 3 major things.
1) Best priced options for speculators
2) Best rewards for liquidity providers
3) No risk of IL
CORE LPs directly benefit from this, receiving a share of the fees.
Hegic has amassed 7.5mill in fees the last 30 days, and that is for unattractively priced options!

Imagine the potential for Delta, with it's best priced options and massive liquidity pool.
"Buh ma LP rewards are getting diluted by Delta token 😭"

This would happen with ANY increase to liquidity to CoreDEX.

The delta token actually means Core LP rewards are LESS diluted, as delta tokens only accrue fees from the Core Delta products...
...whereas OG Core LP tokens will continue to receive fees and advantages from EVERY aspect of CoreDEX (loans, trading, governance etc.)
Reasons for CORE LP holders to be happy!

The migration to Cores innovative rebasing Core rLP token guarantees scarcity of the tokens, making them almost too expensive to mint in future. This will massively drive up the secondary market prices.
Easy Gains!

So yes, all those LPs for sale on a massive discount on Balancer, will in the future be worth a lot closer to their mint price. And that mint price will be a LOT higher than it is today if CoreDEX is a success.
These Devs are on a whole other level of anything else in DeFi now.

Their work can often go unappreciated or misunderstood, but if you take the time to understand and learn, engage with the community, you will slowly start to see the big picture.
You can follow @CorePawn.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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