Happy Birthday to the greatest Hip Hop album all time!
(Short Thread)
This album truly encompasses what it means to be Hip Hop music. It has great lyricism and great verses from everyone involved in the project, as well as some of Kanye’s best and most iconic production.
The album also covers a majority of the themes that are still being rapped about in hip hop today such as: Religion, Family life, money, fame, violence, crime, and it is capped by one of the greatest outros of all time.
Last Call provides insight into Ye’s rise from Producer to rapper which makes for a great closer to the album. A lot of other albums from this time period had boring skits/interludes that took you out of the music but in TCD’s case the skits aged as well as the music
I do believe that this album has a very strong case to be the best of all time. It is fun and really easy to enjoy on the surface level, but also has a lot of replay value. I hope that this thread encourages you to relisten to such a great piece of music. Thank you for reading 🐻
(I will probably do a more in-depth thread for this album in the future but because it’s TCD’s birthday I wanted to provide some insight on why I believe it’s the goat HH album)
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