Short of making factories less productive we are not going to see a surge in manufacturing jobs anywhere.

Better then to work out what is the problem we're trying to solve. Is is that low end services jobs are worse thought than low end manufacturing jobs?

Then fix that.
Its a big problem of the modern political economy. Manufacturing jobs are seen as a gold standard for those with only a basic education. But there aren't going to be enough jobs. Whereas there are many jobs going in caring or distribution. But they aren't considered as desirable.
Same of course true for trade policy. Goods are considered more important than services. Even for economies which are three quarters services. Our mental maps of the economy are wrong. And many have been blaming others e.g. China, EU etc. But remedies can be domestic.
Thought experiment. Would jobs in an Amazon warehouse be considered the equivalent of jobs in a car plant? If not, what would make them so? Regular hours, higher pay, unions, perhaps? Skills development? Progression? We need to think more about all of this.
And given some services are going to be next to be automated, we should probably get a grip of what's happening in goods.
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