I’m 28 years old. So to celebrate, here are 28 life lessons I’ve picked up, most of them over the past year or so 👇 :
1. Happiness is created, not received.

2. A healthy body is nothing without a healthy mind.

3. If you hang out with losers, you’ll become a loser. If you hang out with winners, you’ll become a winner.
4. You only have so much energy. Don’t waste it being angry on things that don’t matter in the long term or are out of your control.

5. Calling yourself “alpha” is cringy af. Please stop that.

6. Taking care of yourself isn’t selfish
7. Reaching out for help or guidance when you need it is NOT a sign of weakness

8. Lifting weights and eating right is the best antidepressant out there

9. So long as you give even an iota of a rat’s ass about what others think of you, you will never be truly happy
10. Learn to fight. No one will protect you better than you.

11. For many, transforming your body will be the catalyst that will make you realise how capable you are of achieving your dreams

12. It’s ok to change your life direction if you don’t like where you are
13. No one is remembered for what they potentially could have done.

14. Every challenge in life is there to turn you into a better person

15. Being fit and in shape is the ultimate life-hack. It makes you more confident, determined, and sexy as hell.
16. Serving Hashem is a gift. Don’t take it for granted.

17. Make it a daily goal to be 1% better than the person you were when you woke up this morning.

18. Having a bad day doesn’t define you. What defines you is bouncing back determined to move forward and right your wrongs.
19. You never have time for anything. You MAKE time.

20. 10k steps a day keeps the obesity away

21. Nothing will make you feel more free than realising that life doesn’t owe you a damn thing.
22. Never put your happiness in the hands of a politician.

23. There’s literally no benefit from maintaining a victim complex. Whatever your problem is, go out and solve it.

24. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable.
25. Don’t compare your chapter 1 to someone else’s chapter 8.

26. If you’re trying to break bad habits you’ve had for years, you’re not doing that in a few weeks. Be patient.

27. Discipline is choosing between what you want now and what you want most.
And finally….

28. Whatever you’re trying to achieve in life, there’s a legion of people cheering you on, even if you can’t see them (including me)

Have a wonderful day. My only request from you all is that you pick up the phone and call someone you haven’t spoken to in a while
It’d be a cool birthday present if this thread went viral...👀
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