A year ago today @smokefreeNN1 added E-Cigarettes to it's menu of options for smokers making a quit attempt with the service. Allow me to share some of my thoughts on our vaping journey and how it has benefited our clients.. (thread)
#vapingsaveslives https://twitter.com/holleyrichard10/status/1226806394701131776
To date we've provided 737 E-Cigarettes, & hundreds of bottles of E-liquid, to our clients for free. Vaping is obviously far cheaper than smoking, but initial start-up costs can put people off.I am overjoyed that this potential barrier has been removed entirely in Northants.
Over the last year, 30% of our clients chose to use an E-Cigarette as part of their quit attempt. This is lower than I'd like it to be. Clients are still using NRT in much greater numbers despite it being less effective at helping them quit (when used exclusively at least)
For our service, vaping in combination with NRT has now surpassed Varenicline as the most effective way of stopping smoking:

1️⃣ E-Cigarette combined with NRT
2️⃣ Varenicline
3️⃣ E-Cigarette
4️⃣ NRT

Success rates for E-cig & NRT users are 20% higher than those using NRT alone.
Vaping works for a significant number of smokers. It's the most common method of stopping smoking in the UK, and services who are yet to embrace E-Cigarettes are missing the opportunity of a lifetime. If you'd like to discuss our work further please feel free to get in touch.
You can follow @holleyrichard10.
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