There is never any practical saving advice in these kind of stories. The mask always slips a few lines in with "living at home" or "inherited thousands of pounds"

Give folk real, achievable & understandable advice.
Know every bill & date it's due

Track/monitor your money daily

Set a budget & rigidly follow it

Plan your month out in advance, by day

For example, when I do my monthly budget I round my income DOWN to the nearest hundred and my bills UP to the nearest five/ten.

So if my pay was say £1234.56 - I'd set my income as £1,200.00

And my bills would round up like...

Netflix 11.99 - budget that as £15

And so on
I'll plan out the whole month by day, so say on Friday I think "I'll want a chippy" - allocate £20 to that day

And if I wind up only spending £15 - the remaining cash goes straight into my savings that day
I'm also a bit OCD so I'll check my account every day and any time the balance isn't "flat" - say it's 400.99 or 178.43 - those penny amounts get chucked into my savings as well
Plus I will always put a set amount into my savings on pay day, so money is constantly getting squirreled away

Then on the day before pay day, what's the balance on the account is, whether it's £200 or £0.02 - that gets farted into the savings as well
All terribly boring but if you're shit at saving it's better to start with wee changes like that than wonder "how can I instantly save £10k like the chump in that article"
One other good bit of advice, be brutally honest about your bills and planned spending - if you're chucking away £300 a month on "big shops" at ASDA could you cut that down a bit by doing one of those shops at an Aldi/Lidl (which are great 👍)

Cut down some dead wood
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