Sigh my stance on this will always be the same. RPG included or not, removing the previous core elements in AC instead of integrating it is a bad idea. I want it to work but the last few games showed that it didn’t.
Ubi made a game to please every single type but instead they chose to remove the older systems. Running in a straight line is not parkour. Nor it is close to the freerunning we have in Unity/Syndicate or as fast the games before.
Many other features that I get unique to the game and drawn me to it is slowly fading away. You can have your RPG stance but not at the cost of mechanics that were core to the game.
Its been 2 games in a row that we don’t play as Assassins anymore. In Assassin’s Creed. At this point it’s just a name which hurts.
It felt like playing the same Game from 2015 and it’s not Assassin’s Creed, it was the Witcher 3. With the recent calling that just because “Valhalla” focused more on RPG had more player engagement got me worried.
The reason why I even preordered Valhalla because I hoped that the series somewhat returned to its roots with Social Stealth. Else it would have been something I would watch over YouTube.
That hope that AC was finally back with a perfect mix of AC and RPG, but no. I couldn’t be more wrong. Valhalla had the most broken stealth I have played since the franchises debut in 2007. The social stealth feature seems so rushed that it didn’t work with the existing system.
Parkour is so slow and unimpressive to the point where you can’t take opportunities but only a path that the game decides you to take. You can’t even take risks by jumping off edges and breaking fall because that causes fall damage. It was not as expressive anymore.
Combat was a hit and miss. Although of all systems, I wished that AC followed For Honor style of stances rather than a hack/slash based game @joao_cnh resonated this very well last night in his stream.
The story had its moments. It was the only running factor that was keeping me going but it is to a point where Assassins are not involved in Assassins Creed anymore. Not even the Hidden ones.
I have made my statement on it before. If you really want a Templar perspective, why name it Assassins Creed? Name it, “The Order of Templars” and make an entirely new setup within the same universe. Just like how Fantastic Beasts in HP universe.
Similarity it works for Isu’s as well unless you want it to be more nuanced. Straying away from its core elements should never be a solution and ofcourse I fear that it may happen considering their track record.
If the next game improves on this issue well then great. If not, I might have to exit the franchise that I love for close to 14 years. It’s becoming a franchise that I don’t recognize and also not my money’s worth since it’s bloody costly.
I know I would get hate to this but yes. I will voice this till the day I leave the franchise for good. I want a good Assassins Creed game, but not at the state they are going where core elements are being excluded
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