#NTOG - A new position. Been watching the churn & waiting to load up in this Multibagger. The last raise was practically thrown at the company at 0 discount at the time 🤯. Fully funded and won’t be back to market for funds anytime soon - here’s why I’ve loaded up👇🏼
#NTOG - Fundamentally strongest they’ve ever been - a very low cost producer with very cheap lifting costs. It’s all fun & games investing in explorers but having exposure to cheap undervalued producers is key.

🔹 WTI Oil nearing $58.5 per barrel

🔹Cashflow positive at nearer $30 a barrel 🤯

🔹Producing 135 bopd which is due to increase again shortly post work overs.

🔹Looking at getting restrictions removed which would instantly take them towards 200 bopd.

🔹 $3m revenue @ £3m MCAP with over $1m net cash per year. Compare that to the likes of #UJO at £30m mcap with similar net BOPD and you get a Multibagger 🤩

🔹11% TR1 from a strong II backer in the form of Miton. Who added significantly in last round of funding.

🔹 Pine Mills "The well was being planned & permitted when oil was circa $40 per barrel (WTI). With oil prices now above $50 and lifting costs in the single digits the production will have a positive impact on the Company. LESS THAN $10/bbl - wakeup & smell the coffee!
#NTOG - In brief why I believe this will trade over ÂŁ10m MCAP soon enough - target SP of 2p+ in near term.
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