This is a fantastic good news story about the power we have as members of the public in enacting change.

People power took on #Kettering council amid uproar about plans to fell healthy town centre trees.

This is what can happen when residents organise and mobilise together.

First up how did I got involved?

I'm active in @KetteringGreens, and importantly for this, part of the Save @weekleyhallwood team. It seems I've garnered a rep for trying to save trees.

So when some trees need saving, guess who's getting tagged all over the local FB groups!

The origins of the uproar begin when @KetteringBC announced the plans to extend the GLaM (Gallery, Library and Museum) in the cultural quarter had been approved.

This is a good thing. The extension is much-needed and will massively enhance the area.

However, owners of nearby 'The Blitz' - a much-loved 40's themed tearoom understood that they were to be closed as part of the plans.

Cue facebook outrage over a weekend, including 1500+ sigs on a petition.

Turned out they were fine in the end.

This prompted people to re-examine the plans, and then the sh*t really hit the fan when @AmandaJanePres2 noticed red marks sprayed on some of the trees in the development area.

Amanda and her son Jack were straight out there with 'Save me' signs on the red marked trees.

A Facebook group - Save Ketterings Heritage Quarter Trees - was created by Cheryl Everett-Dunmore to focus opposition. @AmandaJanePres2, Jack and @Kate40430159 became admins.

This is where I come in - Cheryl asked me to mod after I posted this article

Important to note that aside from @AmandaJanePres2 and Jack, none of us knew each other!

I was the only one with any campaign experience as lead on @weekleyhallwood. But they were doing so great already, I opted to take an advisory role in the group.

This was their gig!

First order was to refocus the conversation away from the general council-bashing and negativity that often crop up in the big local Facebook groups.

The development was already approved, so even if we had wanted to stop it, we couldn't.

This was all about saving trees.

The group became a hotbed of planning and activism - example e-mails were shared and sent, phone calls made to the council, ward councillors contacted, people got organised.

Alice from @SaveStreetTrees sent over fabulous advice that positive and proactive engagement is key.

So much of @AmandaJanePres2 time was spent combatting misinformation and negativity in groups.

Props to the other locals who stepped in to support the art gallery and library from detractors.

The team were FOR the project. We just wanted to save some of the trees please!

The @KetteringGreens facebook was getting more messages and tags, so as we have a pretty good reach locally I used the page to raise awareness with this great video.

Love that Marnie and @NeilFed chose to record and send it over - amazing surprise! 

Let us not forget that the plans were already approved, so there was no obligation from the @KetteringBC to change them.

Jack made great new posters featuring some of the wildlife that would be displaced by the development.

Oh and the petition 

For me, this was an interesting experience.

As part of @weekleyhallwood we've had support across the board - guess it's much less complicated when it's a 'big bad' warehouse developer VS popular woodland!

GLaM is a positive project, but the felling of healthy trees = bad.

Anyway with the council at home for the weekend and incommunicado - murmurings of chaining to trees were starting, with nesting season close we knew the chainsaws would be moving in imminently.

Props to @XRKettering and @XRNorthampton who reached out and offered assistance.

By Sunday the @NTelegraph had been contacted and @KetteringGreens had posted this statement highlighting @KetteringBC Climate Emergency declaration from 2019, but also praising their council Grounds team for recently planting 177 street trees.

As everyone is gearing up for an intense campaign to save the trees there's a...

Plot Twist!

Cllr Scott Edwards comments on the post in the biggest local Facebook group...

We've won! Have we won? Pretty sure we've won!

Ok 2 of the 15 will still be felled - but we won!

The council bowed to public pressure and between them, the architects and the contractors have agreed to save all but two of the trees.

Seems great things can be achieved when residents pool together for a common cause! 💚

Power to the people, the people got the power. ✊

I've found it inspiring to see @AmandaJanePres2, Jack, Cheryl & @Kate40430159 organise and win.

I hope they feel empowered by their community activism.

Now to save @weekleyhallwood 🌳🌲

Will @KetteringBC listen to the 1000's of local people who oppose its development?

Please follow @weekleyhallwood and find us on Facebook and Instagram.

Some brilliant background to #SaveWeekleyHallWood by @NNjournalism here:

Sign our petition and check out the website: 
You can follow @dezzahd.
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