In our #CommonCurrency work on freedom of expression we’re highlighting examples of: bans; calls being made to ban speakers; cancel culture; attacks on writers. We’re committed to promoting debate about what we do about these. The past couple of days offered three examples. 1/
Readings Books in Melbourne issued a statement of regret for booking Julie Bindel three years ago: 2/
Scottish PEN said: ‘Writers should feel confident in their ability to express themselves without fear of harassment or violence. We believe that harassment in online spaces has a chilling effect on our literary culture.’ 5/
There were calls to stop Ken Loach talking about his films at an Oxford College. Oxford University Jewish Society issued this statement: 6/
The college added this statement: 8/
These three examples help us explore many issues and questions - from no platforming to social media attacks on writers (and the nature of social media itself); limits on freedom of expression; how can we ensure an exchange of ideas freely and openly and more. 9/
And worth noting both Julie Bindel and Ken Loach have spoken in our festival. As have writers under attack and facing censorship. 10/end
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