LEE HAECHAN, son of apollo, god of the sun & music

— self explanatory
— is a healer, can manipulate light
— chosen weapon is a bow and arrow, expert marksman, has throw daggers for closer combat
— once split a perfect bullseye arrow in half with another during target practice
NA JAEMIN, son of aphrodite, goddess of love

— soft and sweet but can turn deadly in an instant
— possesses the persuasive ability called charmspeak
— chosen weapon is a duel set of golden bronze swords
— only person to beat renjun in capture the flag, which makes him terrifying
ZHONG CHENLE, son of nemesis, goddess of balance & revenge

— decisive, direct, loyal, & certain
— can manipulate luck, shadowtravel(blessed by hades)
— chosen weapons are throwing stars that materialize as needed, & a ring that transforms into a shield/sword
— knows and sees all
PARK JISUNG, son of hermes, god of messengers & thieves

— a jack of all trades
— can pick any lock despite not knowing how, insanely quick & acrobatic
— chosen weapon is a stygian iron sword with a matching dagger & shield
— beat jeno & mark in 2v1 combat with his pure speed
inspired by this tweet of my own :) https://twitter.com/bubbiejeons/status/1359356979307663361
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