One of the sad things about the gorilla glue girl situation as it pertains to the reaction from folks is I can tell a lot of you were never extended any grace likely from childhood to adulthood. You were likely punished for making mistakes or even bad decisions.
When I was younger you would get in trouble for knocking over a cup of juice. As an adult jobs are hyper critical of errors, mistakes or not. But what does calling someone stupid or saying “you should’ve known better” do for the situation in its current state? Nothing
When I got with my wife, she was very surprised when she knocked stuff over & I responded by helping her clean it. She say “you’re not upset?”. Well no. Ppl have accidents. Ppl make poor decisions sometimes. Even adults. The situation isn’t remedied by poking at them or berating
We can say the woman made a very poor decision. Who knows what the thought process was. But it happened. No amount of name calling or berating will change that she’s extremely injured. And you lose absolutely nothing by just being empathetic, kind & gentle.
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