I knew an anti-woke reformed theobrogian two years ago who had a severe and visceral reaction to the phrase "social justice" and I asked more and eventually tried "societal justice" and he loved that concept! Societal Justice
there's no substantive difference between the terms, this is just how taboos and wordbaggage work. He had heard "social justice" used as a derogatory term enough times that he was no longer able to think about the underlying concept. The new term helped him unblock his mind
I think the same is probably what holds a lot of Christians in older generations back from using "gay." They've heard it used as a slur for their whole life. Pastors have slammed gay people as hellbound sinners as long as they remember. They need "ssa" to unblock their minds
there is no substantive difference between "gay" and "ssa," but one is overloaded with taboo and wordbaggage and frankly a lot of pain. The other is clinical and sterile and that works for them. The fight to mandate "ssa" is a proxy fight to mandate that taboo/wb/pain.
if you would like a longer read on why taboos deform language consider this beautiful essay on how and why proto-indoeuropean languages evolved to avoid the word "bear" https://www.charlierussellbears.com/LinguisticArchaeology.html
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