Here's the other video of Alexander marching on January 6. In this light the coat looks black, so I'll correct myself and say Alexander appears to have been in one outfit, with—maybe—a sport coat beneath his jacket that he later appeared in, in a video taken far from the Capitol.
(PS) The important questions remain: 1) Why did Alexander leave the Capitol to film from far away (i.e. at what point did he decide to desert the march he organized and the Capitol stage he set up); 2) why does Jones say Trump is coming? Paul Escandon says Jones knew he wasn't.
(PS2) So Jones is consistent: he consistently says the White House told him Trump was going to the Capitol, from three days before January 6 all the way through 2PM on January 6. And Jones clearly believed the Stop the Steal stage is where Trump was headed. Paul Escandon demurs.
(PS3) But here's why I keep harping on *Alexander*: Alexander *stays with Jones* as Jones is telling people the president is coming to *Alexander's* event. So of course Alexander stays. But at some point Alexander flees the Capitol. How and when did he learn Trump wasn't coming?
(PS4) Those who don't know Ali Alexander says he spoke to Kim Guilfoyle the night of January 5 won't see where I'm going with this. But he did—so now you do: Alexander clearly entered January 6 *not having been disabused* by Guilfoyle of the notion Trump was going to the Capitol.
(PS5) But here's the thing: we know Guilfoyle was in the loop. She was in Trump's party tent January 6. She was in his private residence at TIH on January 5. And the Secret Service told Trump days before January 6 that he couldn't go to the Capitol. So why didn't Alexander know?
(PS6) The investigative theory I'd work from were I still investigating cases in the federal system in DC as I once did is this: Trump knew he wasn't going. Guilfoyle knew he wasn't going. Alexander spoke to Guilfoyle on January 5...and Guilfoyle told Alexander Trump *was* going.
(PS7) So why did Kim Guilfoyle lie to Alexander? The same reason someone at the White House (we don't know who) lied to Alex Jones. They wanted Jones and Alexander to get the crowd to the Capitol, and the biggest crowd possible, so they lied to them about Trump showing up there.
(PS8) If the FBI were doing its job, Guilfoyle would already have been interrogated. Alexander would already have been found. And the FBI would at least speak to Paul Escandon, who was with Alexander—perhaps Jones, too—and claims they *didn't* think Trump would be at the Capitol.
(PS9) Because there are two possibilities: Jones and Alexander lied about Trump going to the Capitol start to finish, for reasons I can't actually deduce, or the White House—including Trump family agents—lied to Stop the Steal to coordinate the insurrection. I believe the latter.
(PS10) Somewhere in this, Roger Stone fled DC. Perhaps unlike Jones and Alexander, Trump/his team told Stone the truth—Trump wasn't going to the Capitol. And Stone certainly had potential access to info that the event at the Capitol would become violent (Proud Boys/Oath Keepers).
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