CW // A/B/O omegaverse

Every alpha and omega has a fated mate, but it’s rare to actually see /fated mates./ This is due to there being a number of conditions that must first be met in order for them to be revealed to each other. There are a lot of factors at play here +
and all have been extensively studied. It’s been broken down to three.

First, there’s age. There is a specific type of pheromone that only a person’s fated reacts to, and it isn’t produced until a person is, on average, 20 years old. It’s like a second coming for the +
endocrine system. It’s unnoticeable, really, except in certain circumstances.

The second is proximity. It may seem obvious, but the pair must be physically close to each other when it happens. It’s been observed to be in effect up to 18 m. +
The third depends on the omega’s cycle. The omega in question must be within a week of their next heat, and those only happen every three months.

Only when these three conditions are met does fate reveal itself. It’s then inherently obvious who one’s fated mate is, for the +
scent is overwhelming. It’s been described as “being superplexed by Aphrodite” that’s a direct quote. The omega of the pair will often go into heat as well.

So yes, it’s rare to actually be with a fated partner. Most get tired of waiting or believe that the one they +
are with /is/ their fated. Most of the time it’s not. Instead, it’s that one guy they’ve known since they were ten.

For omega twins, Atsumu and Osamu, they chose to instead refrain from courting or dating altogether. For Osamu, it’s because a business isn’t going to +
start itself, and he has no time for an alpha to hold him back. For Atsumu, he has dreams to achieve, and he’s secretly a hopeless romantic.

They still live together, not being able to bear the separation, in a small apartment in Osaka. They’re happy, content. Neither /needs/ +
an alpha to get by. They have the comfort of each other, it’s what omegas do best. And so what if they still share a nest sometimes? Atsumu doesn’t like being alone and Osamu doesn’t like the dark.

Sure, it may be a pain when two cranky and needy omegas are lumbering about +
their living space together in the middle of their synched up heats, but they get by. There’s never been an issue before. It’s not like either of them are in a relationship or trying to bring home random alphas. +
And again, finding actual fated mates is rare. So imagine the chaos when in the middle of a Black Jackals vs Raijin game, both omega twins find theirs at the exact same time.
Decide who our fated mates are.
Komori has a front-row seat to everything happening around him. First, he sees his cousin’s pupils dilate, turning his already dark eyes black. Suna stiffens in his place right in front of the net. And Atsumu doubles over with labored breaths. +
At first, he thinks the two alphas are just responding to Atsumu’s apparent distress, but Suna isn’t looking at Atsumu. His gaze is directed into the stands. A loud keen echoes from the crowd. And then Komori smells it. Heat. +
Rintarou feels like he’s just been saddled with a 500 kg weight, but it’s a lovely weight. He’d let it suffocate him. Then he hears his mate’s cry and moves into action. It’s Osamu. He could never mistake it for anyone else. +
He’d always hoped, though he never dared to dream. When both of them turned twenty and nothing happened whenever they were around each other, Rintarou thought it was a lost cause. He thought that Miya Osamu would be someone else’s perfect omega. Because how could Rintarou of +
all people step up to be the best alpha for this man? He’ll prove it to himself and everyone else. That he is worthy to stand by Miya Osamu’s side.

Vaulting over the railing, he runs up the stairs. Spectators hastily move out of his way. No one wants to stand between an alpha +
and his omega in a situation like this.

“Rin!” Osamu calls, stretching his arms towards him from where he’s curled in on himself. His slate-grey eyes shine with glistening tears that fall between his loud sobs.

Rintarou rushes over, wrapping his arms around his mate. +
His first thought is to comfort Osamu but is quickly replaced by the need to remove them from the situation. His mate is in heat.

He struggles with his alpha to be rational about this, no matter how much he wants to claim Osamu as his /now/ - forever. They need to figure this +
out. Together. For now, he scoops Osamu into his arms and proceeds to make his way out of the crowded gym, glaring at anyone who so much as looks at them.

Once he gets Osamu to a safe location, it’ll be fine. As long as he can keep his raging alpha in line. +
On the other side of the court, Kiyoomi has a near meltdown. He’s never given it much thought before, the whole fated mate thing. It sounds nice in theory, but he’s well aware of how slim the chances are of him actually finding his fated is. +
Yet, now here he is faced with Miya fucking Atsumu as his fated mate. Who suddenly made his mind blackout and feel like all his troubles have been lifted, like he’s a puppet who just had his strings cut, freed. Who is… not looking at him. +
Atsumu’s attention is solely on the alpha racing up into the stands. The alpha who has his twin brother held protectively in his arms. The alpha that Atsumu is now running after.

Kiyoomi is left standing on the court that now has two less players in a state of shock. +
Did Atsumu not feel it? Did fate fuck up and accidentally give two omegas the same fated alpha and leave Kiyoomi all alone?

Maybe he’s wrong. Maybe that wasn’t the fated mate’s telling sign. Does he really want Atsumu to be his omega that badly? +
That he imagines a full display of them being fated mates?

“Kiyo, what are you doing?!” His head snaps up at the sound of his cousin’s voice. “Go after him!”

Right. He's not giving up without a fight. Atsumu is his mate, he knows it. He needs to go after them. So he does. +
Osamu feels so hot. His body burns with fever, and he pants for the cool air to enter his lungs. But the arms securing him tightly to a firm chest comforts him. The white mesh of a jersey rubs against his cheek. It’s his alpha. Rin. It’s always been Rin. +
No other alpha /gets/ Osamu. No one other than Atsumu understands how he thinks, except Rin. No other alpha would be willing to quietly stand by his side while he shapes his business how /he/ wants to. No one but Rin. Rin would help him achieve his goals and be proud of him. +
Rin /is/ proud of him. What more could Osamu want in a mate than someone like that?

He barely registers that he’s in a hotel room when he’s placed on a bed. When did they get here? Looking up at Rin’s worried face, he smiles fondly. What an expression for such an +
expressionless man.

“Rin.” Osamu reaches out to grab his jersey. “I need ya now.”

Rin breathes heavily, his chest heaving up and down. “Osamu, we should talk about this. I know you’ve always been against this-”

Osamu snorts, rather unattractively, but Rin absolutely melts. +
“I’m not against it, ya dummy. I just didn’t want anyone. Except ya, Rin.” Osamu sits up and cradles Rin’s face in both hands. “Yer my fated alpha, and I’m more than pleased. Now make me yers, dammit!” He playfully narrows his eyes and pinches Rin’s cheeks. +
Rin chuckles, catching Osamu’s wrists. “As you wish.”

Pulling Osamu forward, Rin kisses him. Finally, Osamu thinks. His heat burns with a fire as it begins to flare. Finally, his alpha can satisfy his needs.

Well, he could if someone wasn’t pounding on the door. +
It hurts. God, it hurts. Hurts like a fucking brand on his skin. Atsumu wants to turn around and leap into Omi’s arms. But Osamu is in heat and he needs to make sure his brother is okay. Omi will still be there when he gets back. +
The pull to return to his fated mate must be slowing him down, or is Sunarin really just that fast? Atsumu’s feet pound on the sidewalk after him. He’s glad that Suna got Osamu out of there, but did he really need to fucking book it? +
Atsumu isn’t surprised that Suna and Osamu are fated, it just seems natural. It was only a matter of time before it happened. However, Atsumu /is/ surprised that he found his at the exact same time and that it’s Sakusa Kiyoomi. Atsumu wonders how he feels about it. +
Actually, he’s probably mad that Atsumu just ran away. Is he okay with it being Atsumu? They can call each other friends now, but it was a bit of a rough start. He’s not… disappointed, right? Well, if Omi can’t handle a strong omega that’s tough shit. +
He trails Suna to the hotel Raijin is staying at here in Osaka and bangs on the door. He knows they’re in there, and he’d better not even /think/ about touching his baby brother until they’ve talked.

“What?” Suna asks as Atsumu barges in when the door opens to check on Osamu. +
“‘Samu! Are ya okay? Do ya need anythin’? Sunarin didn’t touch ya right?”

In the background, Suna huffs an exasperated sigh. Atsumu can smell the pheromones saturating the air. He knows that Osamu’s heat is about to really take over soon. +
“I’m fine, ‘Tsumu. But what I /need/ is my alpha, ya scrub!”

Atsumu squawks indignantly, “I’m makin’ sure he ain’t defilin’ ya!”

“Well, what if I want him to?!”

Atsumu has no answer for that. At least he knows that Osamu is safe and in good hands. Though he tries not to +
think about it too much.

Suna grabs Atsumu by the arm and drags him to the door. “This little family session is great and all, but you heard him. Now leave.” He shoves Atsumu out and shuts the door in his face.

Rude as hell. He would have left if asked nicely. +
Atsumu huffs and turns around, coming face-to-face with a wild-eyed Sakusa Kiyoomi. Oh fuck, Omi looks pissed.


Omi doesn’t reply and moves closer to him. Atsumu isn’t sure what to do. He looks borderline feral. Okay, maybe running from him wasn’t the brightest idea. +
Atsumu keeps eye contact, stepping back slowly until he hits a wall. Well, great. Omi stalks forward, his eyes flashing dangerously. And okay, Atsumu isn’t scared of alphas, they can all go to hell, but Kiyoomi is intimidating like this.

He boxes Atsumu in. “Mine.”

/Oh./ +
Kiyoomi has finally caught up to him, and now Atsumu is pressed against a wall, right within his reach. And Atsumu may not be in heat, but the way he /smells./ It’s nothing like Kiyoomi has ever smelled before. Atsumu’s scent wasn’t like this earlier, albeit, it +
was still pleasant. But this? This is something else entirely.

When Kiyoomi started running after Atsumu, it triggered some innate alpha response. Now it’s like he’s in the backseat as his alpha takes the wheel. He can see, hear, and smell everything. He senses how feral +
his alpha is right now after a hunt for its omega.

He needs to reign himself in, regain control. The last thing he wants to do is scare Atsumu, or worse. Though the omega in front of him doesn’t look scared. Atsumu slowly brings up a hand and caresses his cheek. +
“Yeah, Omi. I’m yers.”

His soft, tender voice accompanied by calming pheromones helps Kiyoomi comes back to himself. He hesitantly shifts to hold Atsumu’s waist, making sure it’s okay. When he receives a smile, Kiyoomi pulls Atsumu into a crushing embrace, burying his +
face into his omega’s neck.

“Are ya back with me now, Omi-kun?” Kiyoomi nods, refusing to budge from his position. “I don’t think we’ll be finishin’ the game. How ‘bout we go back to yer place, yeah?”

And well, Kiyoomi thinks that sounds like a pretty good idea. +
Kiyoomi’s need to finish their bond naws at him the entire way to his apartment. His teeth ache to sink into Atsumu’s mating gland on the nape of his neck. Will Atsumu allow that? They aren’t /close/ exactly, but Kiyoomi thought that some kind of spark grew between them. +
Was that fate giving him a hint?

Now that he has his mate by his side, Kiyoomi can process everything. On this court, his thoughts consisted of why Miya fucking Atsumu? But now, he thinks, of course, it’s Miya fucking Atsumu. What other omega could match Kiyoomi’s intensity +
on and off the court? What other omega would be unfazed going head-to-head with him in a fit of anger?

So when they enter Kiyoomi’s apartment, desire for Miya fucking Atsumu overtakes him. When Atsumu is in the middle of spouting some nonsense about his baby brother +
being defiled, Kiyoomi cradles his face in both hands and kisses him. Atsumu freezes, but soon his hands are in Kiyoomi’s hair and he’s kissing him back.

Kiyoomi walks him back so he’s flush against the door and drags his hands down Atsumu’s body, wanting to feel every inch. +
Grabbing onto thick, muscled thighs, Atsumu’s legs end up wrapped around Kiyoomi’s waist.

“Omi.” Atsumu clings to him as Kiyoomi noses down his neck, leaving hot kisses in his wake.

Atsumu is his mate, and he’s going to make sure that everyone knows it. +
Five days later, Atsumu sits on the couch in his and Osamu’s apartment when a key unlocks the front door. Glancing over, Osamu trudges in with a dumb smile on his face and neck full of bite marks.

Atsumu whistles lowly. “Nice necklace, ‘Samu.” +
Osamu flips him off and assesses his brother. “Like ya have any room to talk. Did Sakusa literally take a bite outta ya?”

“Shut yer trap! But really, though, how’re ya feelin’?”

“Pretty good actually. A little sore though.” He smirks at Atsumu’s disgusted expression. +
Atsumu lays his head back, watching Osamu pattering into the kitchen behind him. “I’m so glad I didn’t go into heat.”

“Well, that just means yer still on schedule." Osamu checks the calendar. "Oh, and look at that, it’s due tomorrow.”

“Oh, fuck me.”

"I'm sure he will." +
As happy as Rintarou is about Osamu being his fated mate, he is less than pleased about having to return to Tokyo. Leaving his newly minted bonded mate behind doesn’t sit right with him. At all. He knows that Osmau is capable of caring for himself, and Atsumu is there too. +
But he feels the need to provide.

He tried to get Osamu to come with him, but that didn’t work, and he doesn't want to push his luck. An overbearing alpha is the last thing Osamu wants, he knows that. But what if Osamu needs him? It’ll take a good three hours to get to him +
at minimum.

Thankfully, the season is coming to a close next month. They can figure something out during the offseason. Maybe it’s a good time for Osamu to open up a branch in Tokyo. For now, he’ll just have to live through text and calls. +
Rintarou doesn’t /mean/ to be annoying, but he can’t fucking help it. It’s like he’s been hit by that dumb ass alpha plague. He swears every minute that Osamu hasn't replied to him, he loses a bit more of his sanity. His skin itches and his palms sweat something fierce. +
He can’t /concentrate./

“Suna, are you feeling okay?” Komori asks during a break.

“No, not really. Is it that obvious?”

“You’re looking pretty pale, my dude.” Suna grunts, frowning. “When’s the last time you’ve seen Osamu?”

“When we found out that we’re fated mates.” +
Komori blinks at him like he’s stupid. Well, he might be, because Rintarou is obviously missing something here.

“Dude, you probably have BSA.” Suna’s face remains expressionless. Yep, he’s stupid. He has no idea what that is. Komori catches on and elaborates. +
“Bond separation anxiety. It’s common in newly mated pairs, especially if you’re, you know, separated.”

Huh. “Is it dangerous?”

“Well, it can be if it’s ignored for too long. You should visit him. Soon.”

Suna nods. Yeah, a trip down to Osaka sounds nice. +
Kiyoomi on the other hand gets to see his mate every day, and he still can’t get enough of him. He may have been slightly over-eager when Atsumu’s heat hit. He can’t say he’s sorry though. His inner alpha is extremely pleased. +
It’s one of the rare occasions that he’s over at Atsumu’s apartment. The twins are very particular about who comes into their space, especially since they share a room. And a nest, though they pretend it’s only sometimes. Honestly, Kiyoomi thinks it’s adorable, but he’d +
rather it be him sharing the nest with Atsumu. And he’s tried. On several occasions. It only hurts his feelings slightly.

What he would really like is for Atsumu to move in with him. They are bonded now, after all. But he won’t budge and insists he stay with Osamu. +
He’s seriously contemplating having Osmau move in too.

And when Suna randomly shows up at the Miya’s doorstep, the opportunity presents itself rather nicely. Suna wants to live here in Osaka during the offseason, but the twins don’t want him living in their apartment. +
So Kiyoomi makes an offer.

“Yer actually serious,” Osamu deadpans.

Kiyoomi nods. “Yes. We can even all go together and look.”

Rin stares at Kiyoomi, dumbfounded. “And you’d pay for it. Everything.”

“Of course. I wouldn’t suggest it otherwise.” +
Atsumu just watches with a satisfied smile. He knew his Omi would figure it out eventually, he’s smart like that. He catches Osamu’s eye and they have a silent conversation. When grey eyes light up with amusement, Atsumu knows he’s in. +
“I think it’s a good idea, dontcha, Rin?” Osamu turns his best puppy eyes on his mate.

“Uh, of course. It’s a great idea!”

Osamu slightly raises an eyebrow at Atsumu. Mission accomplished. +
So that’s how the four of them end up living together in a fancy apartment in Umeda, courtesy of one Sakusa Kiyoomi.

There’s a room for each mated pair and a separate room for the twins, who sleep in there together more often than either of their mates would like. +
But somehow it all works for them.

Eventually, they will go their separate ways and live with only their mate, but for now, the twins' devious scheme keeps them tied together for a bit longer.

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