Hellboy 2, another movie where the villain is right
Abe and Princess Nuala were robbed, robbed I tell you
Minus the random troll on demon street brawls, the goblin market looks like home to me. I want to live in a little studio above a shop and go down each day for goblin croissants and goblin bubble tea
The king of the elves has a whole prosthetic hand and a robot army, I think the elves in this universe have found a sensible way to adapt to disability
It’s life versus death, nature and chaos versus law and order
This elemental scene just gets me every time
This movie came out the year I should have graduated college, and it feels like a coming of age movie in a lot of ways. Deciding to join society, even when society doesn’t really want you, trying to do the most good and you can’t even do that so you try for the least harm
Found family stuff
I will be replaying this hellboy shower scene for the next hour
Abe! The sweetest fish in the world! I love him so much
Singing drunkenly with found family over girl problems!
Doug Jones as Abe has the most amazing hand motions
A fight scene where one person cannot harm his opponent and it works
Liz and Hellboy! I also love them!
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