Usually I mark #ResidentAwarenessWeek with a cheeky post about us needing awareness before we can ask people for appreciation

This year that feels insufficient.

Join me for a different take on Resident Awareness - A 🧵

We are a large proportion of frontline MDs. We regularly work wildly long hours. In Ontario that includes up to 7 26h call shifts and two full weekends in a 28d block.

Post call is often our only time for appts and personal care.
Abuse and mistreatment were more commonly reported by female trainees, and by trainees with children.

Burnout and suicidality in the survey cohort correlated with more frequent experience of mistreatment in a stepwise fashion
On that topic - Resident Suicide Awareness

Even prior to COVID it had been well established that physicians have inc rates of death by suicide

Despite knowing SI is not uncommon in medical trainees we do not track resident suicides
#BellLetsTalkDay stirred up a lot of discussion about the upcoming Internal Medicine licensing exam - as residents contacted @Royal_College to ask for accommodation given they have had several months of increased clinical demand caring for wards of #COVID patients
While not part of this cohort, I felt strongly about amplifying their message as they were advocating for what I believed was reasonable accommodation

At the heart of my motivation was specific concerns that I initially felt I couldn't talk about... Maybe bc of stigma.

Which is precisely why I'm going to say it now.
I am worried that proper attention will not be paid to RESIDENT AWARENESS until too late

I am worried that my colleagues are being pushed to their breaking points

I am worried of losing friends and colleagues to suicide
While I appreciate the thanks for #ResidentAwarenessWeek I want to direct attention towards systemic issues in our training that put young brilliant people in near inhumane working conditions.

We must do better.

Residency training should not be a health risk for residents
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