For those who like to assume we’re all “privileged white women obsessed with a 1st world problem like gender,” let me fucking tell you something.

It’s not only VERY wrong, it reveals the colonialism—and racism—of policing what you think women “of colour” should worry about.
When you assume that the only women who are “gender critical” are white, you belittle and erase us—the sizeable fucking proportion of “TERFs” who are *not* white. When you assume we’re “just” rich old white ladies, you belittle our experiences that have brought us to this place.
But more than that. When you assume we’re all “white British TERFs,” you make a normative statement about what women “of colour” should care about. You deny us diversity of opinion. And you ignore us to suit your agenda—which is to find a reason to discredit gender criticism.
I’m NOT sorry it offends you that I care so much about gender ideology. Because from what I’ve seen, from what’s happening in the west and creeping into the east is an inability for women to talk about their own bodies in a way that will destroy us.
What’s already creeping into the east is going to fucking destroy us when society realises there’s a new way to bypass safeguarding and gaslight and abuse women.

So I don’t give a shit if you think I’m “obsessed.”
What I do give a shit about is you telling me that I SHOULDN’T care about something, and if i do, I must be some privileged white lady. Who are you to fucking assume that? To imply that it’s impossible for a woman “of colour” to care about gender bs, and so police our priorities?
That’s coloniser mentality. It treats nonwhite women as a monolith, and those who don’t subscribe to what *you’ve* decided WoC should care about don’t exist.
And there’s a strange kind of misogyny in using “just white women” to discredit a whole movement. Just because a woman is white, doesn’t mean she hasn’t been through hell and back.
Patriarchy exists globally. Yes, to varying degrees of violence of course, but it does. So can we *stop* with the “TERFs are obsessed it’s gender because they’re rich white British ladies.”
It deeply insults my experiences to be constantly told I’m just a “privileged white lady.” And when you say that, you perpetuate something patriarchy wants, which is to deny the oppression of ALL women.
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