A lot of these bigger accounts, man.

Look I know where I'm at. And there are people on the "left" with way bigger platforms than even me.

And I have yet to see one of these people do anything to try to bring us together or make real valid tangible change. It's always the
Little people. Desperately clawing their way up to try and get people to work together. It drives me insane.

There is no reason why we don't have a working thread of policy positions to create parallel power structures with. We are wasting our time and breath waiting for these
People to do anything. Our power comes from cooperation, and numbers. We are like ants. Alone we are small but interesting. But together we can absolutely do anything. Including free ourselves and the masses from the chains of oppression. We are o. The precipice of so much.
But we continue to be afraid of what?

What fear keeps us from achieving our goals? What is it.going to take to make us take the leap?

Our time on the planet is short and finite. Too short to waste it wishing for a better world when the end game is within reach.
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