1) Convo with a friend who thinks the barricades/fortification of DC is in prep for a full on gun grab.

2) He may be right.

3) The DemoKKKrats are following Lenin's takeover of Russia in 1917 almost to a T.

4) They were badly outnumbered, but highly centralized . . .
4) contd . . . and grabbed total control of all communications/media, making it very hard for opponents to cooperate & coordinate.

5) He had enough commie sympathizers in the military to blunt military resistance.
6) The Bolsheviks moved with lightning speed to steal ("nationalize") property, finance, everything else.

7) It doesn't matter if there are 120m American gun owners if they cannot coordinate a response & if their arms are vastly inferior to their enemy's.
8) It's trite to do so, but you can use the Nazis' takeover of Germany the same way; within a year they had consolidated power, then (in both the Reds & the Commies' case) they eliminated internal opposition first.

9) These would be both the kook Dead Eyes/Occasional Cortexes
9) contd . . . and any so-called "moderates" or any DemoKKKrat who still even remotely cared about the Constitution. They would be first.

10) With party power centralized & no dissidents, they would turn full onto the rest of us.
11) Lenin is the model for all of this. He only had 20,000 loyal followers in a nation of 160 m.
But they were ruthless and totally focused while the other side debated whether this step or that step was legal or speech was "too incendiary."

12) It's truly scary, folks.
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