a very serious thread about the best dcmk ships
genta x eel

genta dedicates every waking moment to thinking about eel. while the time they spend apart is difficult, the next time they reunite you can see how strong their bond truly is.
shinichi x the grim reaper

this one might be a bit controversial as the grim reaper is kinda like a stalker to shinichi but hear me out. the grim reaper is so devoted to following shinichi around and shinichi gets to solve mysteries because of it so it’s a win-win
amuro x the sandwich guy

sandwich guys dedication is commendable. he loves amuro’s sandwiches which is practically being in love with amuro himself. amuro willingly gave him the sandwich recipe even though he was a competitor. it is the rivals to lovers story we all deserve
kid x goat

the chemistry they have in movie 14 is undeniable. kaito 100% took the goat home. just look at the goat affectionately lick kaito’s face. if that isn’t true love, i don’t know what is.
everyone x therapy

what is there to say? it’s a perfect match.
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