Cherry picking some items to live tweet from the ANC 5D meeting. Stay tuned. #TranspoBingo
First update: Resolution to support the #SafeHStNOW letter (that I wrote!) signed by 25 H Street businesses and sent to @DDOTDC to add bus/streetcar lanes, wider sidewalks and pick-up/drop-off zones to H St NE in response to a rash of dangerous driving in the cooridor
The ANC 5D #SafeHStNOW resolution passes unanimously 🙏 CC @Robb4DC @TheDailyRiderDC @keya_chatterjee @DCHarvest
Now onto @DDOTDC presentation on the WV Ave NE protected bike lane project. Here's the project website
Phase 2 runs from K St NE to Mt Olivet
Here's the proposed protected bike lanes!
Phase 1 and Phase 2 will now be both done this Summer when WV Ave is repaved! Phase 2 was originally slated for 2022. Thank you
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