(1) Conviction vs Condemnation: A Thread. Okay, this one is one of those subjects where there are a lot of Christians that confuse the these two words and probably even blend them together to a certain extent. So, I'm going to try to help to clear some of the confusion.
(2) Let's start with Conviction: The Holy Spirit is the one who convicts (John 16:8-9), so He convicts of sin and of righteousness, you could also say that He exposes sin and brings about correction, and will convince and correct you and your views on righteousness.
(3) Now hold on until the end, because some of you still might be confused. Notice that Lord Jesus moves with a gentleness, even when being stern and correcting the religious leaders when He walked the Earth, you could say that the Holy Spirit is the most gentle of the Trinity.
(4) So, that means He knows how to not only comfort, but discipline with a gentle hand (think about it like this, God knows how to be both a father and a mother if that makes any sense), so conviction, when done rightly, is gentle, seasoned with grace (Colossians 4:6).
(5) Conviction, should also be done in the Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) and even better if lead by the Holy Spirit, whom is that Spirit of Grace (Hebrews 10:29). True conviction brings about Godly sorrow (2 Corinthians 7:7-10), which brings repentance, thus victory.
(6) So, conviction is more of a direction, a pulling if you would and less of a feeling (although feelings may be involved). Condemnation on the other hand, is fear-based or judgment-based, it's not from God (Romans 8:1), and its sorrow works death (2 Corinthians 7:10).
(7) So the next time you are feeling condemned (conviction is gentle, remember that), repent (turn away from condemnation, it's from the enemy) and remember this as well, God wants a heart to heart, Spirit to spirit connection with you. God wants to give you life, not death.
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