The reason many westerners call Attack on Titan fascist is they can’t accept the idea that just because members of a race did bad things in the past, their descendants still deserve life and freedom and not genocide. It goes against the post WW2 moral paradigm
Americans are so used to having media with a clear Nazi stand in. Attack on Titan upsets some because Eldia and Marly are simultaneously both the Nazis and both not the Nazis. And if we don’t know who the Nazis are, how do we know which side’s war crimes are justified?
So much of the western discourse is surface level speculation about what ww2 players different groups represent. Which nation is really Germany? Which race stands in for Jews? Are the Titans Jews or Nazis? Then what are the Ackermans? Attack on Titan as WW2 is such a crap reading
So yeah progressive westerners call Attack on Titan pro-fascist “Nazi” propaganda or something because it makes them confront their unbridled bloodlust for the children of their enemies and we can’t have that
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