I don't care what @fordnation declares. He is not putting us first. Stay home. Start double masking or buying KN95s. They cost more. I'm sorry. 1/4
If you have to go to work because @fordnation has decided you have to serve coffee or beers to idiots who can't stay home, double mask. I'm sorry. If you need help with paying for this, DM me. 2/4
If you use a drive-thru, wear a mask. If you go to a store, don't be one of the assholes who argue with staff about masks. No, really. Don't be that dick. 3/4
Toughest one, perhaps. If you see someone working a shit job for shit money getting hassled by an idiot, back them up. Don't put yourself in danger, but back them up. There is strength in numbers. Anything can be delivered. I'm not buying "I can't wear a mask". Not buying it. 4/4
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