Former $TSLA VP of Engineering weighing in on the Touchscreen recall.

Don't show Elon, this might set him off. #Triggered
Also, it doesn't seem like he's a big fan of the GigaCasting machines that Elon bought. One of which is currently positioned outside in the elements.
He also seems to be throwing some shade at $TSLA for their LFP Cells in Chinese made Model 3's.

This gentlemen was a huge loss to #Tesla. Although again, if Elon sees this he'll probably go on a Tweet storm about how he walked out of the company prior to the Model Y launch.
Here's what probably contributed to $TSLA and Papa apologizing to the CCP in a way never before seen. Customers aren't happy at all. This is a major problem for #Tesla. Maybe the LFP batteries will have to be recalled? That's going to cost them bigly.
Who knows, if Dr. Mike was still around he probably could have fixed all this before it became an issue. Hopefully one day we find out the full story of why he left $TSLA and how $AAPL picked him up so fast afterwards. #AppleCar
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