#kacchako #kacchakothread

“Katsuki. I think we should break up.”
Katsuki stopped in his tracks as he stared into nothing, his phone still against his ear. He was a little under fifteen minutes away from home.
Although he initially planned on walking leisurely on his way, the plans have changed and he found himself practically sprinting after haphazardly placing his phone in his pocket.
Ochako’s declaration came all too suddenly. They were just talking about what to eat for dinner when it came out of the blue.

What happened?
Was she tired of his home cooking?

That was the subject they were talking about a mere five seconds prior. Did it trigger any bad memories for her?
Was she getting tired of him trying to convince her to eat more spice?

No. Ochako wasn’t that kind of person. Surely, she would’ve told him so they could talk about it.
Was it a thought that’s been boggling her mind for a while?

That was more likely to happen than the previous plausible reason he thought of. Katsuki knew he was far from perfect, but Ochako never failed to assure him that he was more than enough for her.
Was she lying then?

No. Out of everyone he knew, Ochako was the most honest person. She was a ray of sunshine but would not hold her tongue when it came to her opinions, especially ones that pertained to him.
Was there… someone else?

Was she cheating on him?
All Katsuki saw was red. Any sort of critical thinking went out of his head at the thought of another man in Ochako’s life.

She can tell him her reasons all day, and he would listen.
If she wanted more public displays of affection, fine. If she wanted more access to the kitchen, fine (although reluctantly, but still). If she wanted more mochi in the fridge, consider it fucking done.

If she asked for him to bring her the moon, then he would. He really would.
Katsuki basically leaped onto the doorstep of their home as soon as it came to view. He turned the knob, and as soon as he found it locked, he quickly fished for his copy of their house keys.
With a little key jiggling, he heard a distinct click. Quickly, he pushed the door open…

….but Ochako was quick to push it shut.
“No!” She shouted from the other side. “Go away, Katsuki!”

“What the fuck are you on about?” He answered back with as much vigor as she did. “Talk to me, damn it!”
“What part of ‘no’ do you not understand?”

“I’m not letting you break up with me!” Katsuki snapped. “Not unless you give me a damn good reason, so I suggest you open this fucking door and let me in.”
“Lalala! I can't hear you!”

𝑂ℎ 𝑚𝑦 𝑓𝑢𝑐𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔… 𝐷𝑖𝑑 𝑠ℎ𝑒 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑦 𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡--
“I swear, if you don’t let me in so we can talk, I’ll eat all the mochi we have as soon as I get the chance.” He muttered under his breath. Katsuki spoke in a low voice but made sure it was loud enough for her to hear.
“So please, for the love of mochi, let me in so we can talk, Cheeks.”

There was silence from the other side of the door, but not even a second later, he heard the door click again and watched with trained eyes as it opened ajar.
Katsuki sighed, an attempt to clear his mind and to rid himself of any petty reasoning. They needed to talk like adults, and anything childish and too emotionally driven counters would prove ineffective.
He finally entered their home, finding Ochako staring into the window, her back facing him.

Was she crying?
“Cheeks.” He approached her slowly, touching her shoulder first as if to ask for permission. When she didn’t flinch, he wrapped his arms around her waist. “Talk to me. What did I do wrong?”
She sucked in a shaky breath. “Y-you didn’t do anything wrong, Katsuki.”

“Then what happened?” He asked, unsure of what he was about to say next. It was now or never. “Is there… someone else?”
Ochako gasped, and without a moment’s hesitation turned around to finally face him.

“Where did the silly thought come from?” She asked, and as soon as she realized that he was looking at her, her eyes widened. “𝑭𝒖𝒄𝒌!”
She wiggled herself out of his grasp, both hands covering her forehead.

𝑂ℎ. Now that he saw her, Katsuki thought he knew what exactly was going on.
“What happened to your hair?”

“Don’t look at it!”
“Hey, it’s fine.” He assured her, gently pulling her arms away from her face. When she left him, he bit his lower lip to try to hold his laughter. “What did you do, Cheeks?”

She sighed in defeat. “I was bored, okay?”
“You were bored… so you cut your own bangs?”

“But I followed the tutorial to a tee!” She whined, playfully slapping his arm when he accidentally let out an amused snort. “I don’t know why it came out so… short and uneven.”
“And you wanted to break up with me because…?”

“I didn’t want you to see me like this. Duh!” She explained. “I figured we could take a break for a month or so, just until the hair grows back.”
“You’re silly, Cheeks. You know that right?”

“You meant hideous.”
“Silly? All the time. Hideous? Never.” To make his point, he pulled her into a hug, one she was quick to return. “Look, you can do whatever crazy shit to your hair and I’d still think you’re beautiful.”

“Do you still love me?”

“Always, Angel.”
“Well… If you really love me...” She looked up to him with wide, pleading eyes. “Will you let me cut your bangs? We can match.”

He chuckled, but really, he feared for his mane’s life.
Time to divert her attention.

“You know what? I’ll just buy you more mochi instead.”
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