Look, people. Use the God given logic centers in your brains. Willful ignorance is willful. Who knows how deadly hepatitis B is? The answer is, pretty fuckin. And three inoculations may be required before a sufficient immune response is achieved. But after that, you're good for https://twitter.com/thebias_news/status/1359271277018587138
the rest of your life. And, other than it having been snuck into required infant vaccine schedules, who out there really ever has a need to receive a hep B series? The answer to that is, healthcare workers. Because they work directly with human biohazard risk. And hep B is
a bloodborne pathogen. There is no cure for it. Yet, it can be prevented up to greater than 99% by taking up to three injections. Not once a year for the rest of your life. Not even once a year for one year. Yet these con artists want you to believe that a common cold virus,
which already has a recovery rate above 99% without any medical intervention or preventative measures whatsoever, is more deadly than a bloodborne retrovirus for which there is no cure. So deadly, in "fact", that no matter how many vaccines you take, it will never be enough
to build immunity to it. They are literally telling you their vaccine does not work. But they want you to take it anyway. For the rest of your life. Seriously?? No matter what Fauxi or any of the other gaslighting frauds say, the actual science is telling you that if a vaccine
has no effect whatsoever after the first time you take it, then it isn't going to do any better after the hundredth time you take it. And it is also telling you that, given the choice between contracting a cold virus that is over 99% survivable for people who do not have any
underlying issues or taking multiple doses of an experimental vaccine that is already known to be a failure, you would be far better off simply taking your chances with the common cold virus. They got you to accept that, though every single box of masks has a disclaimer
right on it, that is required by law to be there, stating in plain English that they DO NOT PREVENT VIRAL SPREAD, you should wear one anyway. And you do...despite the fact that you can read that warning for yourself, you do it anyway. Well, now that you passed the mask test with
flying colors, they want you to do the same with their admittedly ineffective vaccine. They tell you it is untested, they make you sign a waiver releasing them from any liability, should their experimental failure of a vaccine cause you to become sick...or even die. They tell you
this vaccine could make you sterile. Or develop irreversible neurological effects such as palsy and seizure disorders. They tell you all of these things in one breath and then remind you in the next one that HEY! OUR VACCINE IS USELESS! But we want you to accept it anyway.
We want you to accept an invasive medical procedure that you take all the medical risk for, while we are protected from consequences. And we want you to submit to it as many times as we tell you to, no matter how many times we also tell you it is ineffective. And you'll do it
wearing a mask, because you already agreed to that part. Because you thought if you did, we would let you go back to your comfy "normal", before you realized we are ruling over you like gods and that you are sitting back and letting us do it.
This will not stop, people, until we put a stop to it. And that cannot happen as long as everyone is still bowing to the first demand they ever put out there that everyone obediently gave in to. It was never going to be "just a mask". And if you are still gullible enough to
believe, after all of that, that it is going to be "just a vaccine", then there truly may be no hope for you in this life. Why are they going after Tom Brady and Ron De Santis so hard about not wearing masks? Because if those who the public view as true leaders are refusing to
give in to the first control mechanism that allowed all of the rest of it to get to this point, the masses might decide to follow suit. And if that happens, everything else that led us to this point will unravel, because people will be getting fresh air and adequate oxygen
to their brain parts and they'll be able to think clearly. They will wake up. And they will be unwilling to comply with any more demands. Like vaccines that don't work, or lockdowns, or any other control mechanism that was put into place while they were sucking in their own
exhaust for a year instead of oxygen and listening to the fake news and fake "medical experts" rather than exercising their own basic logic and common sense. How ludicrous and outrageous do things really need to get before everyone decides to give these evil tyrants the finger?
What will it take, since the suggestion of implementing testing by what amounts to forcible anal rape did nothing but make everybody laugh? Since claims that this common cold virus had "mutated" and targeted specific demographics did nothing but make everyone roll their eyes?
How can anyone claim to be "awake" and still actively contribute to the deception by giving in to fear of arrest or mockery or fines or whatever, and willfully putting on that very first symbolic affirmation of slavery and ownership of another sovereign soul?
It is not going to stop with a vaccine. Or two. Or five. They tell you this right here in the article. And it started with the mask. I saw this from the beginning, and I tried very hard to warn people. But people must be shown. How much will it take, for people to stop being
willing slaves? For them to see?😎
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