“Housing is a right” is not an empty slogan. They’re words that have been inscribed in the constitutions of many countries around the 🌎

America’s housing crisis wasn’t inevitable. It’s a policy choice that can and should be changed through the legalization of affordable housing
America is one of the only countries in the world that systematically zones for single family use. Single family *zoning* (not housing) is a ban on rental buildings + affordability

Legalizing housing for those who can’t afford a single family home is of the utmost importance.
But as New York City proves, single family zoning isn’t the only problem.

Wealthy neighborhoods, like SoHo, that ban housing, and affordable housing, through other types of exclusionary zoning methods, are major problems too.
Then you have cities like Houston, which rightly build a ton of housing, but not enough affordable housing for their lowest income renters. This is why public housing, social housing, + rental assistance are *vital.* Supply by itself isn’t enough for our most vulnerable tenants.
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