After decades of charm and charisma (MGR/JJ), content and calibre (KK), I think TN is now looking for the most important trait of any leader: HUMILITY!

Humble leaders often bring with them attributes such as sincerity, modesty, fairness, truthfulness and unpretentiousness.
Historically humble leaders outlive arrogant leaders. Example: Kamaraj and Annadurai.
Some leaders or emerging leaders may think you cannot be humble, and an ambitious/strong leader at the same time. I think it is wrong. Ambition needs a designer or an architect, an external force to work your way up, whereas with humility you can reach the top seamlessly.
Humility can be the most effective and sustainable mindset for any leader who aspires to do big things in a world filled with HUGE UNKNOWNS. Recent political events a classic example.
You may be the most powerful person today, reduced to nothing with a single event. Ex: Trump !
History tells us that the world-changing leaders are humble ones. Arrogant leaders are often cited as bad examples (tyrants) while there are a few exceptions.
Humble leaders are the need of the hour especially when challenges appear hard. Humble leaders don’t pretend to have all the answers, and people understand that. Humble leaders always get the best ideas from the right people, whomever and wherever those people may be !!
We live in a world where ego gets attention, and modesty gets results. Arrogance makes headlines but humility can make a difference. We need leaders who are confident enough to stay humble, and strong enough to admit that they don’t have all the answers.
Humility deserves all the spotlight. While at one end of the spectrum we find treachery, it can be argued that treachery is a consequence of arrogance. However, it cannot be denied that the betrayed was equally or more arrogant in the past!
I think we have been hypocritical about the leaders we have traditionally chosen. We have tended to choose the flamboyant and the narcissists. I think it is time we stop this excessive worshipping of leaders, and demand more of them. We deserve humble leaders.
Humble leaders will not put themselves above others, or expect preferential treatment, or think they are entitled to a disproportionate share of benefits, and are more likely to treat others in an egalitarian, respectful, and fair manner. Trust and cooperation their hallmark!
Humility is always opposite to negative personality traits such as arrogance, conceit, egotism, grandiosity, pretentiousness, snobbishness, haughtiness, self-righteousness, domination and selfish ambition. Jayalalithaa’s start and end is lit with these negatives.
History tells us that arrogance and unbridled egos have been at the center of almost all leaders caught in scandals. A humble leader who is able to listen, be transparent about their limitations and appreciate the strengths and contributions of others find longterm success.
Unfortunately, the current cultural attraction to find leaders that are charming and charismatic I think is leading us in the wrong direction. There is no leadership vacuum. We need to craft our future with humble leaders, not self-promoting, flamboyant and narcissist ones.
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