Why Jon from ARTV is a shit human: a thread
tw in advance, transphobia, biphobia, racism
1. The ✨transphobia✨
This mf had the audacity with his cishet ass to be out here telling trans people how to feel and what is transphobia, as well as calling trans ppl sensitive. Jon is not trans. He has no right, and even if it was a quote, brendon shouldn't have said it.
2. the ✨racism✨

This time, Jon decided to branch out and tell black individuals how to feel about racism as well as say that they didn't deserve/weren't owed an apology, and saying that we "can't take a joke". Yeah, we can't take racist jokes. It's not fucking funny.
3. this isn't the biggest issue but him finding Hayley more attractive when she was a minor... weird
4. the ✨biphobia✨
jon seems to think that because halsey has only dated men publicly, she's not bi/is faking her bisexuality. It's in this video if you wish to see the whole thing
5. the weird hatred towards fall out boy

idk about you but most people wouldn't make merch that slanders fob or tell the band to go die over... an album...
6. misgendering (which adds onto the transphobia)

apparently along with laura jane grace, artv and his gf have misgendered multiple people multiple times?? not very cool if you ask me
7. constant hypocrisy

jon hates ppl for certain things but the second his favs do them, he's quiet. he hates nicki minaj for her personality and not really her music, meanwhile pvris gets accused of shit and all of a sudden he's "separating the art from the artist"
I talk about some of it in this thread https://twitter.com/redtidejackson/status/1359254176199446529?s=20
8. casual misogyny.

have you EVER seen jon from artv give a woman a high rating besides phoebe bridgers and paramore? nope. the men always get 5/5 while the women get 3.5/5 IF THEY'RE LUCKY
Suzie explains it GREAT in this tweet! https://twitter.com/JustALovr/status/1359185471989895168?s=20
9. casual ableism

i'm sorry why on EARTH would you call something an "adhd fueled cut" especially when you're nt
as well as hating on people for nd traits https://twitter.com/redtidejackson/status/1359238281691467777
If anyone can think of any others, feel free to add them on. This guy is... not a good dude, to put it lightly. He shouldn't be out here having a platform or being allowed to get away with his actions. Please share this, thank you.
one more thing

@ARTVJon fuck you for being a prick and honestly i hope this whole thread ruins your day
and I KNOW you'll see this considering that you took the time to hide any replies that dared disagree with you
10. whoop whoop against feminism too? haha fun! /s https://twitter.com/N0ACFS/status/1359285249583292418?s=20
Clarifying this- I wasn’t sure if it was a super huge problem HOWEVER it rubbed me the wrong way so I included it. If I misworded sumn I’m sorry https://twitter.com/redtidejackson/status/1359276932345470980?s=20
YEAH I got her date of birth wrong there. However him implying she’s ugly... not cool
Okay it’s better explained here!! https://twitter.com/redtidejackson/status/1359291581312815106?s=20
Obviously I struck a nerve
Also explaining this!

Idc if he hates fall out boy, but telling them to go die because of an album is pretty fucked in my opinion https://twitter.com/redtidejackson/status/1359276937143746562?s=20
Also him trying to profit off of them and hating them also feels weird but I phrased it HORRIBLE there. I wrote this pretty quickly but I hope these lil clarifications help! If you need anymore lmk
Here’s a screenshot of Jon from ARTV’s story on Instagram once the Tyler platform tweet situation happened. He had no sympathy for the black ppl hurt and compared us holding him accountable to “bullying” making US look like the bad guys
Here’s some stuff about how he treats Awsten Knight of Waterparks https://twitter.com/redtidejackson/status/1359348225765896192?s=20
He used to be anti sjw back in the day and shit like that https://twitter.com/sadgaysimp/status/1359562351947653124?s=20
He literally said that having only female nominees for the grammys is "weird"
There's also this which is absolutely hypocritical and gross
He also LOVES to shit on genres where black ppl (especially black WOMEN) reign supreme, but when tøp did it all of a sudden he loves it.... 🧐
There’s this apology which- the utter MANIPULATION in this last paragraph... he disgusts me
There’s also this which- disgusting https://twitter.com/redtidejackson/status/1359646699677863936?s=20
Here’s where he trashes on the girl mentioned and says all that awful shit
This is even grosser https://twitter.com/MonrovianPrince/status/1359646417820737539?s=20
If you’d like, you can sign. DO NOT DONATE THOUGH https://twitter.com/deadudephotos/status/1359670061146001409?s=20
Here’s a statement after he addressed it on stream. He constantly deflected, made it into my fault, and refused to take accountability. This thread will stay. https://twitter.com/redtidejackson/status/1359685161890189313?s=20
Hannah being horrid to the person she and Jon misgendered https://twitter.com/redtidejackson/status/1359695287657222147?s=20
// rape

There’s also his constant excuses for Jesse of Brand New (who is a literal rapist) so that’s fucked
You can follow @redtidejackson.
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