My Twitter right now is full of people claiming they always supported me but are now sickened by my speaking out for Trans rights, and an inbox flooded with emotional trans people and parents of trans children thanking me for speaking when so many others don't.
Like, I really don't care anymore. If you think that me publicly telling an anti-trans hate group to fuck off is a problem for you, I never wanted your support in the first place. Keep it.
When I was young, stupid on drugs and flirting with overdose, trans, queer and drag mothers SAVED my fucking life. I wouldn't even be here today without them. If you think I will even hesitate to choose them over you, you're fucking wrong.
If we're dropping more truth bombs today, I was a drag queen from my late teens to my mid twenties. I was the fishiest fucking queen you've ever seen too. I've sat aside too long and watched these ghouls come for my family. No more.
It's hard enough being an Arab and a Muslim as a journalist. Adding my sexuality, history and political beliefs to the mix? I might as well have tattooed UNEMPLOYABLE to my forehead. Absolutely to hell with every editor I had to put my straight face on for fear of getting sacked.
Absolutely to hell with every editor that published anti-LGBT, anti-Muslim bullshit in the outlets I worked in. Absolutely to hell with them forcing me to edit and work on these stories because they knew I was too poor to find another job. Fuck this industry to hell
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