george is colorblind but he likes colors and art and paintings and flower forests speaking of flowers he doesn’t know much about irl ones but likes dandelions because you can blow on them and holds his cat like a baby and he doesn’t like horror things or loud noises
and he loves apples and apple boba with strawberry popping pearls and he calls his pets Dog and Cat and he has random trinkets sitting on his desk and he throws a cricket ball around sometimes and he knows how to juggle
he has freckles but only on the right side of his face and he didn’t cut his hair recently because he saw we liked his long hair and he sits with his legs tucked up and when asked about his favorites he has a hard time deciding what he likes The Most
he gives internet hugs to donos by shutting his fingers together and he likes breaking bad and has rewatched the train episode and he’s gone ice skating before and his voice gets all high pitched when talking to animals (irl or in game)
he knows some russian and swedish and was on the swim team and plays the guitar and he loves harry potter and gets excited whenever it’s mentioned and he’s left-handed and his favorite color is blue because that’s one of the only colors he can see vibrantly
he told everyone to be quiet when he saw a minecraft fox sleeping and he whines when he doesn’t get his way and he writes in multi-colored markers and sometimes when he laughs too hard he falls out of his chair or has to leave
he agreed to being quackity’s vice president while barely knowing him and everyone that’s met him has immediately liked him and he has dry humor and when he smiles really hard his eyes squint and he’s really good at chess and he likes sushi a lot
he calls a size large shirt oversized and will zoom in on every pore of his face constantly and when he fake cries sometimes he will shed actual tears and he always says he’s leaving his friends’ streams but never does and his eyelashes are long and dark and cast shadows
when he built his first house on the smp it was a mushroom hobbit hole and he uses “:]” and “:[“ and he will meow when he hears something meow and he has dainty wrists and small shoulders and he’s bad at flirting is either always sleeping or constantly awake
he and dream started watching the office together and he eats peaches out of the can and he has a headphone dent in his hair and he yawns with his whole body and he never Really accepts compliments and in a large group he tried to engage everyone
there’s more but i just find him quite neat
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